Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I packed Rila's snacks into her purple bag and also included her water. She observed as I organized her belongings. I glanced at my sister and noticed her smiling at me.

"Thank you, Kuya," she said.

I just nodded.

"Is everything you need complete? I don't want you to go back to your school if you forget something. May practice kami mamaya," sabi ko.

She just smiled at me, her pink lips smeared with ketchup on the sides. We had just finished eating, and as usual, it was just the two of us at home. Mommy left again, and Rila missed her.

When we got home yesterday, I planned to tell Mommy about what my sister did at school, but she wasn't here when we arrived, so I didn't mention it.

What's the point?

It seems like Mommy doesn't care about my little sister.

I looked at Rila and felt sorry for her. Shouldn't children need guidance from their parents? I wonder how Mommy can leave Rila with me. Doesn't she realize that I might neglect this child?

She's too confident that I'll take care of Rila properly. I don't even want to come home to this house anymore because it feels pointless. I'm planning to move to my condo that's been gathering dust due to the long time I haven't visited. If only Mommy were here to take care of Rila, I could pursue what I want.

I can no longer have sleepovers with my friends because Rila needs me every night. She won't eat if I don't come home.

"Do you miss Mommy?" I suddenly asked my sister.

Her innocent eyes were focused on me. My sister blinked, and she quickly nodded. I knew there was sadness behind those eyes.

"Yes. I miss sleeping beside her. It's always Moana beside me now," she pouted.

I chuckled and gently stroked my sister's cheek.

"Rila, don't do what you did yesterday, okay? Santa Claus won't give you a Christmas gift if you hurt other kids. That's not good. I'll be mad too," I told her, looking into her eyes.

She enthusiastically nodded, raising her left hand as if making a promise.

"Yes, Kuya. I won't do it again. I'll be good," she smiled.

I nodded back and slung her bag over her shoulder. I lifted her, walking towards the door. I glanced at her loosely braided hair. I was the one who did it. I just watched a tutorial on YouTube because I didn't really know how to do it.

But... she still looks pretty.

"And Teacher Ellis told me something," she mentioned quietly as I opened the car door.

I furrowed my brow as I closed the door. Ellis? The teacher Leyla has a crush on? Irritation crept into my system.

"What did he say?" I asked, keeping my tone cool, not revealing my interest.

I started the engine and left the house, wearing a furrowed brow. I suddenly remembered the eyes of that guy. People at school say he seems nice, but for me?

He seems so intimidating.

Especially those eyes.

And he's a teacher too... He should be close to the relatives of those he teaches! Not giving those intense stares. It's kind of unsettling.

"He said that anger should not always prevail. One should remain calm at all times because anger accomplishes nothing," my sister replied.

I glanced at her. She met my gaze with a smile on her face. When she noticed my look, I averted my eyes and focused back on driving.

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