Not a dude.

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Jia's Pov.

Right now I am standing in front of the boy's hostel of Global University Seoul. We study in the high school nearby, I sighed as I resisted taking a step forward, I was in loose baggy jeans with a light blue sweatshirt. I was getting nervous with every passing second. 'Jia it's gonna be okay, We will just live there and go to school and come back there please." Tears build up in my eyes, I know I am exaggerating but who will not, we went to a boy hostel disguised as boys, we wanted to live in a girl hostel but could not find one, but my bestie's sister who is the head in the boy's hostel somehow agreed of giving us a room in boy hostel but on one condition if we disguised as, boys. As no one should know we are girls, We put on makeup to get up like boys and wear boyish clothes, My friend does not have much problem as she already is a tomboy but to me, It is difficult.

"Jia let's go." she dragged me with her toward the entrance, and we slowly moved inside. we both were clutching the forms in our hands, with our luggage dragging with us. We reached the front office and Izumi kissed my cheeks moved inside the office and came back in a minute, "Let's go," she said as she interlinked our arms, " a boy named Seokjin is gonna show us our dorm room, he standing beside room no 7, we gonna go there," I nodded my head slowly following her. We saw a handsome boy with wide shoulders and a tall height by the door, he saw us and waved his hand. "Hi guys I am Seokjin, Today I am on duty so I am gonna show you your room," he said I nodded my head, and as he told us to follow him, this boy surely talked so much, we reached our room, It was quite decent.

We both placed our luggage and thanked him, "Dinner is at 8,  I will come to take you both hmm. Btw what's your name, boys." I cleared my throat as I did not think about it, nor was I am gonna tell him my real name which is quite feminine, "My name is Win, and her name is -- umm Jian." I looked at her with big eyes, "No no my name is Leo." I immediately spoke, and I eyed Izumi for taking such a stupid name of me. She told him the name that she used in her games for her hidden identity. "OK Leo and win, but what happened to your voice are you sick Leo," I immediately shook my head as it slipped from my mind that I should talk in a deep voice. " Yes. She just had a throat surgery that's why Her voice seems quite feminine isn't it."

"Oh, Take care, bro." Jin patted my shoulder and left. Immediately fell on the bed and Izumi started to laugh, "Nuggets let's unpack things." I rolled my eyes and pouted loudly, "If it was not for your dream to live like a boy, I think we would be in less trouble." she laughed and kissed my cheek,s I know she is quite clingy but I adore her the way she is. a little bad girl-type boyish attitude. I threw the wig I was wearing on the bed. 'This is so itchy, I was wearing three inches heel sol in my shoes so I don't look short with those guys he same goes for Izumi as we both are of the same height but she is a cm taller than me, I am nearly 165 and 166cm. She caressed my cheeks. "Go and take a bath, it's already 6 we need to go for dinner," she said I collected my things and stomped in the bathroom direction to take a refreshing bath.

we both were sitting ready, Done with makeup and clothes to look the least girlish, I was a sweat suit with my wig of silver blackish hair, and a silver chain hanging around my neck according to Izumi it would provide a more boyish look to my body. while Izumi is in baggy trousers with a black dragon ripped shirt with a bucket hat with no wig as her hair is already in a wolf cut. I sighed as I swung my legs in the air sitting on the bed and waiting for Jin to arrive and take us for dinner, to be honest, I was quite hungry, soon the door opened and Jin came inside scratching his head, He should knock before entering, What if we were changing, I shrugged my shoulders, " Let's go guys You will surely love to meet my friends, we are a group more like a gang, we don't add more people but you both are expectations." he said while Izumi got so interested after hearing the word gang. "Yeah, sure." she spoke while chewing the bubble." I just followed them like a lost puppy, Izumi got well with Him very well.

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