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(A/n):(hey guys I know I haven't posted in a while on this story that's mostly because I've had a lot of pardon my language SHIT to deal with like heaps of schoolwork, bullshit family stuff, and etcetera. And its really fucked with my motivation to write, and unfortunately I'm still dealing with alot of stuff so if you guys can hold on and be patient for a little longer I'd really appreciate it. Anyways vent over where number 1 on kyokaJiro, HELL YEAH!!! thank you guys for the support and I hope I haven't completely killed my audience from not posting in so long. Oh and even though like I said I'm still dealing with alot of shit I should be able to write even if it is at a much MUCH slower pace, right now I'm trying to finish up a chapter for another story that I started before all of the problems I'm dealing with hit be but once I'm done I should be able to start writing for this again. Anyways like always hope you enjoyed? (That doesn't really make sense since this isn't an actual chapter huh?) And see you later!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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