1-The kidnapping

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"Bip bip bip " please not the alarm just three more minutes. It won't hurt. Maybe I'll not go to work today.
Bip bip bip "sight " as if I had a choice.

I sit on my bed after some minutes I decide to go take a shower. It takes me a good amount of time to get out of there because I didn't really want to be in my own life. Yeah you heard me right Like common can I just disappear and go live in a different universe with my sexy ass boss.

He could have been my inspiration to go to work every day but he is not as nice as his beautiful face. I have to put up with his temper tantrum without saying that he never sees me as a human being. And he never pays me all the extra hours he makes me do.

It's been five minutes since I have been trying to style my orange hair but for some reason it won't cooperate. So I dress my self up and get my bag and fun and leave for the hell hole I work at.

"Good morning Martha " I said to the receptionist while I admire a beautiful flower bouquet on top of her desk .So beautiful..
"Good morning Sean. Actually don't leave there's a package for you" she says handing me the bouquet.

What the actual f? Who will send flower to my extremely lonely soul.
Please can it be my boss
Please can it be my boss
But to my disappointment when I read the card it doesn't really sound like my boss and there's no name.

"Thank you Martha " Now I am on my way to my desk just by his office door to spend 8 hours of work yayyy fantastic (note the sarcasm ).

Today the beautiful devil aka my boss makes me work five more hours. And now I am walking on the streets it's almost completely dark. Clutching my bouquet and my bag closer to my chest.

I am gonna put some music so I won't feel alone.

Violins playin' and the angels cryin' When the stars align, then I'll be there No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo No, I don't care about the pain
I'll walk through fire and through rain Just to get closer to you You're stuck on me like a tattoo.

All of a sudden I stop my earphones fell because someone put a hand on my mouth and nose and after some second I only see blurry lights before I pass out.

Why do I feel like the earth is shaking and I can't see ?
"Hey guys sleeping beauty just wake up " a voice said that takes me by surprise. And then it came crashing on me I got kidnapped.
"Why can't I see?why is the earth shaking?where am I?what do you want from me?"

"Shut your mouth first then you'll have an answer and you ask to much questions. It's our job. "
That voice is not close that means that they are more than one. The first one was closer.

"If you want to know you are just on your way to meet with death. And we're driving a car so stay calm we don't want to die with you. " I am an orphan ,no boyfriend,no friends and I live a simple life so why in the world they kidnapped me and want me dead for.

" I am lonely no one will remember me but I still wanna live. So leave me alone I don't have money"

"Who said we want your money? And please stop the acting we know you aren't that sweet"

"What are you talking about?" I don't understand a thing in what they are saying . They didn't answer. So I start screaming for help. They are just laughing at me and after some minutes I feel a hand pulling me up to sit down.

"Oh no you idiot you didn't just touch me with all the germs you walk around with" I yell at the person holding me.

"Why is he like that.I'm not gonna let the boss kill me because of him "one of them says
"Are you sure we got the right person because if not that's when our boss will definitely have our head"

"You two shut the fuck up this idiot is already making a fuss . I don't want to have an accident " the car stop and then I feel someone dragging me out. Just when I was about to scream something hit my head and all I see is black.

Thank you for being here that's my first book and I am trying to make the most out of it so please comment share and vote
Love you guys see you next chapter .

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