6-Everything you want

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I am happy today I don't know why.  Maybe it's because I received the biggest bouquet of my life today.

This morning I wake up in my bed thank God because I didn't want to wake up in his bed again like yesterday afternoon.

And when I opened my eyes today I have found the biggest bouquet I have ever seen on a chair close to my bed.

With a card saying " I am sorry I don't want to hurt you stop disrespecting me. I hate what happened yesterday baby boy "

Even if I know he send it to apologize for what he have done yesterday I still love the gesture .

When I woke up yesterday I was in his bedroom that I haved never been to before.  So at some point I freak out.

Yesterday's event

"Good to see you... hmmm  what is your name?" I asked because I still don't know his name. The last time I see him was the day he takes me back here one week ago.

"Maximo" he simply said while furiously typing on a laptop.  So he didn't have to ask my name I supposed he knows everything .

"Why are you keeping me in your house when you clearly don't have a reason for it and you are avoiding me like the plague ?"

This game is getting me bored if he is not going to kill me why is he keeping me in his house like a prisoner .

"It's simply because I want and I can." He is so calm like it was normal to have someone he kidnapped casually sleeping in his room.

"So what's with the gifts and the flowers you send me every day?" I had to ask because he was showering me in gifts and flower everyday while he wasn't even letting me see his face not once.

"Something about trying to get you to be mine. " is he serious.

"If this is your method I have to wish you good luck even if you are set for failure " I'm definitely not going to date the same idiots who think it was a good idea to kidnap me.

"You are mine from the moment that I put my eyes on you. You'll have to accept it anyway willingly or by force ." He squeeze me to his chest and kiss me out of no where.

I can't believe he steals my first kiss without my consent and he is touching my body without me wanting it. I pushed him and said :

" I hate you and I am happy that this Fabian guy is dead so he don't have to support you " and I hear a sound before I feel my cheek burning . He slapped me.

After that I ran into my room and never get out of there and I cried myself to sleep.

Back to present

I go to the bouquet I take three flowers from it I hide them in my bathroom.

I open the door see the guards outside.I tell them to tell their boss I don't want his gifts and throw the flowers out the door and slam it. 

After that I get to my bathroom and I can't stop  giggling at my stupid game that can lead me to my death but why not I can have some fun too.

For me I already like him I don't know why but I do. But I see in his game he only wants to get in my pants nothing else .

But me I am definitely not going to be somebody's fuck toy. Me I want love ,I want someone that will care for me and I will be the same, I want someone who can treat me like a porcelain doll but at the same time will fuck me into oblivion when in the bedroom.

I spent the day in my bedroom reading that spicy book and I never get out. After sometime I hear a knock on the door. But I stay in my bed and I didn't open the door.

I see something sliding under the door and I walk to the door and see it's a paper .

"I know that you are upset with me but can you come down later I want to have dinner with you.If you don't have a problem with that.
It's not good for you to stay in there the whole day. 

I could've come for you but I'm stuck at work for the moment don't give my men a hard time doing their job.

Come down for dinner I'll give you everything you want minus your freedom" 

I think I am going to take advantage of what he said in this letter definitely . He is going to regret giving me the choice to ask everything I want.

Thank you guys

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