2-meeting with the boss

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It feels good to be kissing my employer and every other boy are jealous of me and him. Just has he was about to put his hand inside my jeans I was drenched in cold water. A piercing scream leave my mouth .

My eyes were immediately wide open I see myself with two guys in a small basement .I was chained to the wall by my hands and feet.

"Why would you kidnapped me while I am poor ? I don't even have family to pay you" .

"I think we're going to just ignore you your acting all innocent but we know what you did so shut up"

"We'll leave you here the boss will take good care of you " they walk away laughing and I'm here alone still confuse.


I empty the wine bottle and put it on top of my desk and the sorrow comes back seeing his smiling face in the picture on my desk.
But I'll not cry I'm not someone who uses tears to express myself. So vengeance will have to do.

Ivan thought it was a great idea to kill my right hand man who was also my best friend on top of that . So he will compensate me with his only son's blood.

A knock at the door. "Come in" Kyle walks in he better have a good reason to be in here if he don't want to end up with a hole in his head.

"Boss sorry to disturb you .I just drive Ivan's son here "

"I sure love the sound of this .
Prepare my table and tools today I'm gonna satisfy my heart with his cry just like they made Fabian cry." I said and Kyle leave my office just after he received my order .

Everytime I come home I see him everywhere . So I don't need to say that it's not helping my rage and how I miss him.

Sometimes I even blame myself because I was supposed to be with him. I wish I could have seen him before he disappear from my life .

We met when I was five years old and he was three years older than me. Even with the fact that he was older than me he always respected me, take care of me and always treating me like the most precious person he had in his life.

And for me it was the same thing .He was also the person I loved the most after I lost my family .

The only reason for me to smile,one of the reason that reminded that I still have a heart. But no he had to take him away from me my only hope.

Now I am going to make everyone on my way suffer until I put my hand on Ivan. He is going to wish for his own death but I won't kill him I'll torture him.

That way everyone will know that they create a beast by taking away the smallest amount of sanity I had.

It's going to be so much fun to toy with this idiot's son .


It's been more than twenty minutes since I have been trying to figure out what I could have done wrong to end up here. But nothing comes to my mind.

I am leaving a pretty simple life. I am not rich, I don't own expensive things, I don't even have a car what is it that they want from me.
I live in a hold lady's pension it's not the best place in the world but it is what my salary can offer to me.

My mom died when I was twelve . She always tells me that my dad never wants me he leave her when he knows that she was pregnant.

And sometimes around when I was nine she told me that she learn from someone that he was no longer in this world.

So I was alone in this world because I was my mom's only child.
And later on I never had a boyfriend you'll ask why because I don't have time to go out to meet with no one.

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