10-not again (the rest)

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Part 10
Maximo POV:
"Where's Sean?" My question was directly directed to Kyle. " He is in is room"he said.I was about to go upstairs when I heard him mumbling something under his breath.

"What is it now don't tell me that you touch him. Because if you did, this time you will definitely not be part of this world, " he looked surprised.
" I was just thinking that he seems to be the only person in the world to you" why his he's analyzing my actions.

"Why is it so important that you're thinking about it? Did I have to ask your permission to get myself a boyfriend? " I ask him raising my brow.
" no, nothing sorry" he said.
"That's what I thought. By the way, you better go receive my important package instead of worrying over my love life"

I don't trust other people with my things. I could've asked Elliot and Nathan to go get it. But I have not seen them since we park the car, probably somewhere all over each other. Since I am going on a date with Sean, everything is under their control. I only trust the three of them with my business and also Sean. Even though I can feel some hate between Sean and Kyle. I know that he'll still protect him if I'm not here.

When I knocked on Sean's door, I heard nothing so I went in, once in I saw my pretty boy sleeping on his bed. As I get closer to him and see his features completely. I stop in my tracks seeing his puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I feel bad for forcing him to do things, but he didn't let me a choice he is acting off. After I told one of the guards to go and get the cat, I went to his bed, sit down and caressed his hair.

"I am genuinely sorry, baby I just wanted you to be your usual self and I really wanted to go on a date, I have never been to one. Only wanted to take you out of here too, you stay too much inside the house, I don't want you to get sick.

Also, I didn't know that you will cry that much over a cat and the cat wasn't even that far" I said to his sleepy form "can I have him back please I promise I'll go on the date with you don't have to kill him" he said quietly.
" I would rather not wake you up, your cat will be here in a minute ",what shocked me was the fact that he didn't push me away.

When I heard a knock, I stand up to get the cat.I put it on the bed, and he goes straight to Sean's face. 
“Hi baby, how are you? I missed you so much, " he said before circling his arms around the cat. I silently go to the other side of the bed to lay down.  After some minutes, I felt the bed moving and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Sean trying to get closer to me little by little. So I tug him towards me and keep him securely in my arms thinking he was going to fight me, but he only lean closer to me. To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

“Are you okay baby" I asked, he gets affectionate with me out of nowhere . When he was arguing with me not even two hours ago.
“I am sorry, I just wanted a little bit of comfort because earlier I was here all alone and I remembered my mom and that I don't have no one and…"  “shhhh” I cut him.
“ You have me now. It's okay, come on get some more sleep I'll wake you up when it's dinner time “. I said he only nods and go to sleep with the cat still in his arms. I stayed until he fell asleep, kiss his forehead before I go to my office to make sure that my business was still running.

Furthermore, I've sent the outfit and other things I know that Sean loved to him so he can go to the date willingly. Not only that, but I even wrote him a note to tell him he doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to. I left the house and go outside waiting in the car for him. I have written him a note saying that we will leave at five o'clock, he had one hour to get ready, but he still managed to be thirty minutes late. 

That only means that he doesn't want to go with me, I'll no love force him. I was about to go back to work when I see Patrick leading a blindfolded Sean to the car.
We didn't talk at all, not even when we got to our destination. But once inside, everything changes.  I started to ask him questions, and he answered me without messing with me or acting like he hated me.  The reason I was happy is the fact that this time I didn't have to force him. At least now, I am sure he doesn't really hate me like he pretends.

“So why is it that you're telling me everything, but you don't want to talk about your birthdate.” He looks at me like he is debating about telling me or not before he says.
“ It's because you are going to ruin the day for me, so I prefer you don't know” he said, smiling from ear to ear. I'm grateful that he is smiling, but I don't think I'll love the reason he is lying.  I can tell from the way he is looking at me.

  “Since you would rather not tell me, I think Eliot have a file about you, I'll ask him then"
“ no, don't you dare. Even if you are the big bad mafia here I can assure you that I'll show you hell if you try to make me mad” he whispered yell.  I laughed at is cuteness and sassyness.

To say that he can sit here and threaten me without nothing happening to him, he shouldn't be breathing right now. I smile when I realize that I definitely found the one that can put up with my messed up attitude.

“ you're enormously cute for your own good. Come on baby, let's eat" he just pouted and crossed his arms saying:
"I'm here acting tough, and you are calling me cute. I didn't want this reaction that's not fair."  I just looked at him, feeling an overwhelming joy. Now that he is acting like this, I know he had forgiven me. After we finished our food, we left the restaurant.  He wanted to walk in the park and get ice cream, so I had to please him. Since he behaved plus there were a lot of my people around the park.  I have never seen him this happy, he was running everywhere .one minute he was on the swing, the next he was on the slide. I was laughing at how he was so careless, acting like a child. Also, thinking that he was taking profits of being out. I was so tired of running after him that I actually had to carry him after I managed to put my hands on him.

“ Let's go get ice cream so we can go back home"
“Leave me alone, you're so boring. I was having the most fun I've had in my life, so put me down.  I want to go back ". He said, punching me playfully.
" Stop whining, I can't promise to take you back here for your safety. I'll offer you something else, I'll build you some of these at home. Will you calm down? He immediately stopped. “ Really? I want a swing ". I laughed, he sounds so excited like a child on Christmas days. " we have ice cream then Leave after if you want to have that swing" I put him down we go to the ice cream stand to buy it before we take a sit on one of the park benches.
“ What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked." As always, I have a ton of work to do" I answered
“ So boring" he said sucking the ice cream from the spoon. How I wish I were that spoon his mouth would have fit around me perfectly, but he would rather not be mine.  I can't blame him, after all I'm just his kidnapper to him. “ Can I have a taste ?” I asked he thought I was talking about the ice cream he put it in front of me. I kissed him instead he was surprised at first, but he started kissing me back putting his ice cream down so he can put his hand on my hair and the other around my neck. His lips are so soft.  I was just trying my luck, but he actually kissed me back. After like five minutes he stopped the make out session,  breathing heavily.I kissed him on the cheek, he was blushing 'so cute'.

“Let's go" he takes my hand without protesting. We walk to the car direction.
“ You are so romantic and too much of a softie that sometimes I think you are not a mafia leader" he said, " who said that I wanted to be one in the first place”. It was my answer, our conversation stopped when we were in front of the car we get in.

After ten minutes drive, Sean fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. Once home, I had to carry him because I would rather not wake him up. I was going to his bedroom.

When I changed my mind. I'll spend the most time I want with him. He is sleeping, he won't be able to throw a fight, so I'll have him to myself all night.

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