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Why do I feel like someone is using an hammer on my head. I have the kind of headache that no one want to have.

I was so focused on what I was thinking that I didn't feel someone beside me until I hear
"good morning baby boy " I yelped and open my eyes and the harsh light start to burn my eyes.

"Why did you come this close to me you idiot?" I said and he grab my chin harshly and said :

"Because I want to and you better control your mouth when you're talking to me " I gulp and nod immediately ,backing away from him. I found myself on the floor, because I was on the edge of the bed.

But then when I start to analyze the room that I was in . I see that I wasn't at the place I rented.

"Where am I ? " I ask him
"Welcome to my house. Actually welcome to where you belong " he said smirking why is he so hot .

"What do you mean? I know that you have the plan to kill me so don't act like that it's scarier than before "

All this was so strange to me. I don't want to die but why don't he kill me already.

"Who said I was going to kill you when I can have your beautiful piece of cake for myself " what the fuck is he talking about.

"Stop keeping me in the dark . Can you tell me why you kidnapped me in the first place ?" He said I killed his friend I don't know nothing about.

"I just told you seconds ago I want your beautiful ass so that's why you are here" arrogant and rude I see.

"Some time ago you said I killed your friend now you want my ass . Can't you decide what you really want?" I yelled. He looks at me from head to toe and smirks. He start walking toward me.

"You know I like you alot but don't test my limit I don't want to beat your ass instead of making you feel good in it" I gulp when he stands before me.

" I don't want to be with you. And I never said I was going to let you have my beautiful piece of ass like you call it ."
He laughs and starts heading for the door .

" I never said I was going to ask for your permission to have it. So keep in head that whatever I want I have. "
With that he walks out of the room .

"Why do I have to find myself in this situation? Why did I do to you God for you to punish me every day?" I mumble to myself. Before I let myself crash on the bed .

I don't want to lose my virginity to someone who is going to force himself into my life. And he punch me the other day so I'm not gonna forget that too. Maybe if I sleep a little I'll wake up from this nightmare.

I find it funny messing up with his head. He is so calm for someone who got kidnapped.
So I am happy that he is in my hands instead of the other piece of shit called Ivan.

Now what am I going to do with him. I can't let him go back to his house they will definitely take him .

They'll use him when they know someone's trying to get Santiago so he will definitely end up dead.

I am going to keep him he is so bubbly and feisty. I don't know why but he's the only person I don't want to put a bullet to his head.

I am not good with emotions minus anger so i don't know what's wrong with me. I feel the same way I use to feel when Fabian was here and it's like this everytime I see his face.

Maybe I am going crazy I'd be better if I stay away from him.

One week later

It's been a while since I have seen him. He keeps sending me flowers and gifts every day but he never showed up.

I might sound silly but I miss his stupid face for no reason. I am so bored right now I am going to go to his library and get a book.

They let me walk around freely inside this place but there's always guards everywhere and cameras.

The only time I am alone is when I am in the bedroom I am staying in. I get used to it by now. I don't mind them following me around anymore.

This mansion is so big. I would've been lost if I wasn't getting followed everywhere by these scary
looking people.

When I step inside the library two of the guys follow me inside and two stay out of the door . There's so many books in here my favorites are the ones with gay werewolves love stories.

I found some books talking about bdsm and I always take one without the guards seeing so I can read it in my bedroom .

These books are on fire and I don't think you want to know what happened after I read them. Shhhh it's our secret.

I hear a phone notification i didn't raise my head from my book to see.

"You have two hours to read . The boss said you have to be in your room after that period of time. " One of them said.

"Tell your coward of a boss to shut the fuck up i need my piece of mind to read my book." With that I didn't hear a noise so I continue to read my book.


I have been avoiding him because I don't want to do some sinful things to his body without his consent .But he is starting to get on my nerves .

What does he mean by coward? Who does he think he is to tell me to shut up? I'm going to my house to show him how to respect me.

Now when I go to work I always have an eye on him through the cameras around the house . I know it's sound creepy but why not I do whatever I want.

Everytime I send him the flowers and gifts. I like how his face light up every time he is so beautiful and flawless.

I saw how he treats my employees with love and he helps them even when I said no they can't stop him. So stubborn.

The thing I gather is the fact that he respects everyone except for me . When I should be the one he fears the most. I see how my people are always afraid of telling me what he tells them to tell me .

Obviously they don't want to die because he's always telling them to curse me. They know that if it was anyone else they'd have been dead since the first day .

When the car was parked in the garage I get out immediately. And head inside to see where is at. I'm going to show him who is the coward in the story.

But when I open the door of the library I stop to admire the beautiful sight before my eyes .

He was sleeping with his glasses on, the book on his stomach with his head hanging off the couch.

I get to him takeoff his glasses give it with the book to one of the guards.

Before I take him in my arms and walk with him to go inside my bedroom. The guard came with the book and his glasses put them on the nightstand and leaves.

I stayed with him sleeping for two hours in my bed while I was working on my laptop.

After some minutes I feel the bed moving when I look I see eyes open and looking everywhere it was so funny.

"What are you searching for? the coward is right here "

Thank you for being here.
Love you bye

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