Chapter 12 - He Is The One

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Bold and Italics are them speaking in English.


Porchay's POV

I ignored him for the next few days. I was fighting with my own emotions and feelings.

Especially because after that day, he started sleeping in my room. I slept on the bed while he slept on the couch.

I had asked him why was he doing this and he said that the air conditioner in his was broken and he doesn't sleep without one.

It was hard for me to believe his excuse, and I didn't agree at first but eventually did because he said that this is his house and he can sleep anywhere he wants.

But I had to accept something that in the past few years, this is when I have got a complete sleep. Otherwise I would have been up even in the middle of night because of the nightmares.

Ever since he was sleeping in my room, I have been sleeping peacefully throughout the night.

And because of this I don't have dark circles anymore and it has been day since I have used a concealer to cover them.

I have only slept peacefully only when my brother used to sleep with me but most of the time he couldn't because of his shoots.

In my brother's absence, I found solace in allowing him to sleep on the couch in my room.

But still I showed him cold shoulder. But deep down I knew that I was trying to avoid my own feelings and emotions towards him.

Deep down I liked that he cooked for him, I liked it when he picked and dropped me to the university and I liked it when when he slept with me in the couch. I liked it when he cared every small detail about me, even when I pretended not to notice.

But somehow I wasn't ready to accept the fact that I had developed feelings for him. I didn't want to associate with him.

And to avoid this, there was only one way. That is to find a boyfriend.

I had told Fluke and Rebecca that I wanted to experience dating. And ever since then they had been eagerly helping me find potential candidates.

We sat down together in the college cafeteria and looked for guys.

"How about that one?", Rebecca asked, pointing towards a dude who had tattoos in every part of his body. Fluke and I stared at him and then at each other.

"Becky! Seriously? That guy? Look at him. He looks like a walking piece of artwork," Fluke commented, stifling a laugh. "I bet there is no skin in his body that doesn't have a tattoo on it."

We burst into laughter, realizing how absurd the suggestion was.

"Hey Chay! Look at that", Fluke said as he pointed towards a guy with glasses and was reading a book. Becky and I turned to look at him.

"Not him bro.", Becky said.

"Why?", I asked.

"His name is Samuel. Nobody in this college has ever seen him look up from his book.", she said.

"Oh, wow. Then he will never look at me either", I said.

"What about him?", I pointed towards a guy in leather jacket and sunglasses. He looked cool.

Fluke looked at him and immediately said, "No bro. Never. He is the college goon. Also I have heard he is homophobic."

"Bastard.", Becky and I said at the same time and chuckled.

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