Chapter 16 - Red Rangers

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Author's POV

Porchay was sitting on the chair at the canteen and across him sat Rebecca and Fluke, looking at him intently.

Porchay smiled at them but both of glared back at him which made him immediately stop smiling.

"Speak", Fluke said.

Porchay laughed nervously and said, "It's hot today, right?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes and slammed her hands on the table in frustration.

"Don't test our patients Porchay Kittisawasd.", she said. Porchay gulped.

Fluke leaned forward and said, "Explain everything."

" I and P'Kim are dating.", Porchay confessed.

"Since when?", Fluke asked.

"Last night", Porchay answered.

"What?!", Rebecca and Fluke exclaimed together in shock.

"Ye...yeah", Porchay stammered.

"Chay, are you serious?", Rebecca asked.

"Yes, I am", Porchay replied.

Porchay could feel the tension thickening in the air as his friends stared at him, waiting for an explanation. Porchay took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts and find the right words to explain himself.

"It''s not a sudden feeling that came out of nowhere. I have liked him for a long time. It's just that I have realized it now.", Porchay explained.

"Then, why didn't you tell us earlier?", Rebecca asked.

"I wasn't sure of my own fucking feelings.", Porchay admitted.

"But now you do?", asked Fluke. Porchay nodded.

"Why do you like him though?", Rebecca asked.

Porchay paused for a moment before answering, "I feel safe when he is around me. He is my safe place. I feel the same level of safety that I feel when I am around hia."

"If you feel the same level of safety that you feel when you are around your brother, then make him also your brother, NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND YOU DUMBASS!", Rebecca exclaimed.

"Becky! Calm down!", Porchay and Fluke said in unison. Rebecca turned her gaze away, her frustration evident in her scowl.

"What's wrong with me dating him?", Porchay asked.

Rebecca took a deep breath and sighed before answering, "Look Porchay. We are worried about you. You are the one who said that P'Kim was involved in the mafia and he is the cruellest of his family. We don't want you to get hurt or caught up in any dangerous situations."

"I understand your concern Becky but I trust P'Kim.", Porchay asserted.

"Becky, Chay has made up his mind and we need to support him." Fluke interjected, his voice calm yet firm. Rebecca looked at Porchay and sighed.

"Fine. Anyway, I wanted you two to end up together.", she said.

"Yeah but--- Wait! What?!", Porchay exclaimed in surprise.

Fluke nodded and said, "Yeah bro. She wanted to see you with P'Kim and not with Ai' Pond!"

"Then what's with all the drama?", Porchay asked.

"Well, I was just shocked to hear it suddenly from you which I wanted to happen all along", Rebecca said with a sheepish grin.

"Becky! I will kill you!", Porchay exclaimed.

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