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Devil ran towards Kamukura, ready to attack him. Kamukura pointed a finger at him and he got thrown back against the wall.

"Give up before you actually get hurt," Kamukura warned.

He got up again, groaning. "I am the Devil. No human can defeat me so easily."

"I can and I will." He lifted his hand up to the sky, making the devil fly into the air. Then, he smashed him down on the floor several times. Meanwhile, Takeshi got ready to attack him too.

"Watch out!" Servant yelled. Kamukura snapped his fingers and Takeshi flew out of the window away from the castle. "...Are demons durable?" He asked.

Servant looked out of the window. "He's okay,"

"Good." He looked at the devil. "Care to join your son?" He asked before making a throwing motion at the wall. Devil went flying through it, breaking the wall and landing on the ground outside of the castle.

Kamukura turned to the demon. "Are you okay?" He asked gently.

Servant jumped into his arms and kissed him. "Thank you! I love you! But... how are we gonna get back to earth?"

In the blink of an eye, they stood in a familiar bedroom. "Don't worry, I made sure to get every power I need to save you and get you home safely,"

"Kamukura-kun!" Someone called out from outside his room. The door opened and Komaeda looked at both of them, relieved. Hinata was behind him.

"I told you they'd be okay, babe,"

"Thank god you're safe!" He pulled Kamukura in for a hug. "I was so worried! What happened?"

"Takeshi wanted to get me back," Servant explained. "I would never say yes to him though. I have standards. If a man doesn't fight the devil and his son for me, I don't want him." He put a hand on his hip. "Thanks for giving Izuru-kun powers, he totally destroyed them!" Servant grinned. "Oh, when you threw Takeshi over your head, that was so cool! Komaeda made you so strong!"

"Oh, that had nothing to do with him. I could've done that regardless of whether or not he gave me powers," Kamukura said.

"That's true! I gave him superpowers, but I didn't make him physically stronger. If he threw a punch, he deserves full credit for that! And I bet you threw amazing punches,"

Hinata looked off to the side. "I can throw good punches too..."

Komaeda finally let go of the hug. "You did such a good job!" He told Kamukura. Servant leaned over and whispered something into his ear. The pale boy looked at Hinata. "And thank you for helping me calm down when I was worried about them, Hinata-kun." He kissed his cheek. "You're the best,"

Servant wrapped his arms around Kamukura's neck. "I have to thank you too, Izuru-kun,"

"You already did." He cupped his cheek. "But it was no problem. I will always keep you safe,"

Hinata grabbed Komaeda's hand and they left the room. "I think they're gonna start kissing, I don't gotta see that,"

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? Of course I am,"

"..." Komaeda looked at him, worried. Hinata was obviously upset...

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