New Protections

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Daithi couldn't believe it'd been a month since he'd moved here. School was hectic, but his friends kept him sane. Chrissy had gotten back to him a few days later than planned, saying the magic was so faint in his blood she'd had to make a stronger potion to detect it.

But apparently there was a psychic in his bloodline, which was why he could sense auras. Chrissy connected him with a second generation psychic named Mark who had gotten excited over Daithi's abilities.

Psychics were rare these days, and the fact that there was now only two in all of UCLA was insane. Daithi was grateful he had someone to help him, Mark promising to see what extra abilities he could hone.

Daithi had gotten hired at that store and had been working now for two weeks. He'd just gotten his first paycheck, which he immediately put half in savings. He didn't really need a job, as his mom insisted on providing, but he was an adult, he wanted to make his own way now.

Daithi was currently at work now, stocking some shelves. "Excuse me?" He heard and he turned, seeing a smallish man looking at him confused. "Can I help you?" He asked and the man nodded.

"I need help finding a specific spice, I can't find it in the spice section," he said, holding out a paper. Daithi read the ingredient and said, "This one's in the baking area, aisle 4," he said, handing it back.

The man smiled gratefully but paused, tilting his head. "I'm Lui, I haven't seen you around here before," he said and Daithi shrugged. "I've only been in LA for a month now, I'm from Ireland. I'm here for school," he said and Lui nodded.

"I'm from San Diego, what's your name?" He asked and Daithi took a second to try what Mark had taught him so far. Lui's aura was strong and powerful, he was definitely non human. But he wasn't getting anything negative from it, nor mischievous so not a fae.

"I'm Daithi," he answered finally and Lui smiled. "It's nice to meet you Daithi, can I give you my number? I'd like more friends and you seem cool," he said and Daithi nodded easily.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind," he said and Lui scribbled something on the bottom of the paper he had in his hand, giving it to Daithi. "Text me, yeah? We'll meet up, I live down the road that way with my mom," he said and Daithi nodded, looking at the 9 digits on the paper.

"Cool, I'll text you yeah?" He said, not wanting to tell a stranger where he lived. He didn't know why Lui told him.
Lui nodded and left, heading to aisle 4.

Daithi returned to work, having only an hour left of his shift. Once he was done stocking, he did some cleaning before going to clock out.

He headed out, texting Tyler back. They talked nearly everyday, and Daithi looked forward to every single exchange. He and Tyler just clicked, he didn't know how to explain it.

Sure, they bickered a lot. Usually about the most stupidest of shit, but Daithi enjoyed the arguments. Was it insane? Probably, but considering either halfway through or near the end of each argument they'd start laughing, he was certain Tyler enjoyed them too.

"Daithi!" He heard and looked up to see Evan running up. "Hey! You just get off?" He asked and Daithi nodded, putting his phone away.

"Sweet, want to come with me? I need to get some things for my music project and another music person would help," Evan asked and Daithi made a face.

"Fuck, I forgot about that. For music comp right? Yeah, I need to pick up some sheet music," he said and Evan grinned, the two heading down the street.

"So you doing guitar?" Evan asked and Daithi nodded. "It's my best instrument. I considered piano, but I think almost everyone's doing that," he said and Evan nodded.

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