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"Jazz, I know you are innocent," Somto said.

Jazz folded her arms. "Duh."

"I went to the sick bay to see Ella and guess what?"

"Please don't tell me to guess, I've already lost every ounce of patience in me," Jazz snapped.

"You have every right to be angry, because you have been accused falsely."

"Can you just get to the point already!"

"I overheard Ella and Titi laughing and talking about how their plan to frame you worked. Ella threw herself down the stairs to make it look like you were the one that pushed her. Those people are very wicked, I have never seen. Hia!"

"Imagine!" Kelechi exclaimed as she and Ronke came out of their hiding spot. "How can you harm yourself just to harm someone else? Is it worth it?"

"Go and ask Ella," Ronke deadpanned.

"Well, thanks for bringing this to my notice. This is something I already know, but it's good that I now have a witness that is not my friend. Can you repeat what you just told me to Mrs William?" Jazz asked Somto who nodded vigorously.

"Of course, I'm ready to repeat it anywhere," she said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, but I have to go now. Whenever you need me just let me know," Somto said and walked away.

"Thank goodness Somto overheard their conversation. Now, we need to tell Miss Toke first of all so she can follow us to Mrs William's office," Kelechi suggested and they made their way to the staff room in search of the young teacher.

"Are you girls looking for something or someone?" Miss Toke asked from behind them as they peered into the staff room. Kelechi and Ronke jumped in fright.

"Yes, we were looking for you," Jazz, who seemed to be the only composed one, replied.

"Well, now that you've found me, what is the matter?"

They told her everything Somto had told them and she was baffled to say the least. "You mean to say Ella fell down the stairs on purpose?" She asked incredulously.


"We need to report to Mrs William immediately," she said and marched towards Mrs William's office with Jazz, Kelechi and Ronke in tow. When they got to the secretary's office, she stopped walking and turned to face them.

"Kelechi, go and call Somto. Ronke, go and call Ella," she ordered.

"Let me go and call Ella instead," Kelechi offered, "so a fight doesn't break out in the sick bay."

Ronke side-eyed Kelechi.

"Okay, good call," Miss Toke said and knocked on Mrs William's door.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"I can't believe this!" Mrs William said after Miss Toke narrated to her all that Jazz told her.

"I can," Jazz said.

"Call me Ella at once!"

"I already sent for her, ma," Miss Toke said.

"I also need to speak with Somto."

"She's on her way."

Mrs William blew out a frustrated puff of air. "What sort of nuisance is this?" She asked no one in particular.

"I told you I was innocent but you wouldn't believe me," Jazz said, staring accusingly at her.

"It's not that I didn't believe you—" she started to say but a knock on the door cut her short. "Come in!" She hollered. Ronke and Somto sauntered into the office.

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