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"Hey, why the long face?" Kelechi asked as Ronke came into the room, looking gloomy. Jazz continued typing away on her phone.

Ronke sighed and fell face first on her bed. "It's Divine," came her muffled reply.

Kelechi instantly went over to Ronke's bed and scrutinized her. "What did he do?" she asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, it's just that, he's been acting strangely lately. I don't understand."

"Why don't you talk to him, maybe he's upset about something and doesn't know how to say it. You can't keep overthinking if you don't understand what is wrong with him so it's best you just talked to him," Jazz suggested.

"You're right, something must be bothering him. I'll talk to him tomorrow," Ronke said, her mood brightening.

"That's it," Jazz encouraged.

Kelechi smirked at Jazz. "You've gotten quite sensible over the years, young Jazz. For a moment, I thought you were going to tell her to break his head and then break up with him."

"I know right, it's like she's now a relationship expert, she knows how these things work more than we do." Ronke's tone was mischievously teasing.

Jazz scoffed amusedly. "What are you talking about? All I did was tell you to talk to the guy."

"Well, if you weren't here, Kel would've definitely told me to dump him because he isn't right for me bla bla bla, but you, my dear Jazz, advised me otherwise."

"Okay? You're welcome, I guess."

"So, how did you get so experienced with relationships? Mmm, I'm guessing it's because you've spent so much time with a particular male friend of yours." Ronke raised her brows continuously at Jazz.

Jazz groaned. "I knew it was gonna come to this," she said.

"How could it not? Now, when are the two of you going to make your relationship official?" Ronke asked.


"Oh please, are you going to keep denying the feelings you have for the boy?"

Jazz found it difficult to say yes.

"Can you just admit that you really like him and stop hiding behind the fact that you're doing this to spite Ella, you're not fooling anybody," Kelechi finally spoke.

"I never wanted to," Jazz replied stiffly.

"Then admit it, admit that you have feelings for him."

Jazz shook her head in protest.

"Admit. It. Admit. It," Kelechi and Ronke began to chant and Jazz rolled her eyes at their silly antics.

Jazz hesitated for a while before saying, "Fine! I like him."

"What?" Kelechi and Ronke chorused, wanting to be sure they heard right.

"I like him. There, I said it," Jazz confessed and looked away from them, not wanting them to see her blush miserably.

'Ugh, why am I blushing? I'm not usually so mushy,' she thought and groaned mentally.

Next thing she knew, Kelechi and Ronke held on to both of her hands, their heads resting on either of her shoulders. The scent of their hair filled her nose and the familiarity of it made her furrow her brows. Had they been using her shampoo? Before she could ask them anything, they chorused a low pitched "awww" and carried their heads up to face her.

"So you do like him! I knew it!" Kelechi exclaimed.

"That means you've been putting up an act of pretending to like him when you actually did like him," Ronke pointed out, raising a teasing brow at Jazz.

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