Chapter 2

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The past week had been a whirlwind of excitement for me. Finally, the chance to break free from the familiar walls of the Emberlyn estate and see the world, and my journey began at none other than the royal palace. My stepmother's disapproval lingered like a dark cloud, her concerns about the family's reputation echoing in my ears. Still, my father's steadfast support overrode her objections, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the opportunity he'd granted me.

Maeve, my strong and burdened sister, had confessed her relief at having me by her side. The weight of courtly expectations and the prospect of being courted by the crown prince were not burdens she bore lightly. I hoped that my presence could provide the support she needed in this unfamiliar territory.

Gwen and Arya, my enthusiastic twelve-year-old sisters, had been brimming with excitement, convinced that the royal palace was where they'd find their true loves. In my opinion, they were far too young to be thinking of love and marriage, but their innocence and eagerness were a welcome contrast to the complexities of courtly life.

Maeve, at twenty-two, was considered of suitable age for courtship, although some might argue she was past the prime age for marriage in this world. My father, however, didn't adhere to the norm of marrying his children off young. He sought proper matches, ensuring his children had a say in their destinies. Older siblings from my father's first marriage had already found their partners, like Lyanna, his firstborn, now twenty-seven and happily married to a duke from a nearby kingdom.

And there I was, at the age of twenty, in the middle of the pack of my siblings, ready to embark on a journey that promised not only a glimpse of the world but the chance to shape my own destiny. The royal palace awaited, a realm of intrigue, politics, and perhaps, unexpected romance.

Today was the day of departure, a day I had been preparing for all week. Farewells had been exchanged with my siblings and the loyal servants who had been a constant presence around the Emberlyn estate. As I navigated the familiar halls, saying my final goodbyes to the cooks and kitchen staff, I unexpectedly ran into Caius.

"Woah, Ellie, slow down. We will all be here when you return," he said, enveloping me in a comforting hug. There was a hint of concern in his eyes, a reflection of the worries that lingered beneath the surface. "I wish I could go with you guys, but promise me you will look out for yourself."

His words carried a weight of sincerity, and we began walking together outside to where the carriage awaited. Caius had always been a pillar of lightheartedness within the family, the one who ensured smiles on everyone's faces.

"I promise. I'll miss you, Caius," I replied, feeling a twinge of sadness at the prospect of leaving someone so dear behind.

As we stepped outside, I realized my sisters were already waiting by the carriage. I must have lost track of time, immersed in the bittersweet farewells. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. The day I had been waiting for, the day to break free from the comfort of home and become more than who I was, was here. And yet, with the carriage standing as a portal to the unknown, a surge of apprehension flooded through me. The familiarity of home would soon be left behind, and the journey into the world awaited.

"Sir Leif!" I exclaimed, running up to the familiar face of a dear friend. "Will you be accompanying us to the palace?" I asked with hopeful anticipation. Sir Leif, a knight of our house, had been a constant in my life since we were both children, now a figure of protection and camaraderie. His father was a knight of our house, so he had been training for this since childhood.

"Why, of course, Miss Elara. I've told you that I will always be there to look out for you. I am not breaking that promise now," he replied with a warm smile, reaffirming the bond that had endured through the years.

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