Chapter 4

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The morning sun bathed the palace chambers in a soft, golden glow, casting a warm light that did little to ease the excitement bubbling within me. Felicity, the same handmaiden who had aided me the night before, continued her gentle assistance. Her eyes sparkled with a youthful vivacity, and her words flowed effortlessly, forming the foundation of a budding friendship.

"Felicity," I said, smiling, "how did you come to serve in the palace?"

"Oh, my family has been in the royal service for generations," she replied, deftly arranging the folds of my gown. "My mother is one of the cooks, and my father tends to the stables. It's an honor, really."

As Felicity shared tales of her family's long standing connection to the palace, the sense of gratitude swelled within me. The royal family's courtesy extended to providing a handmaiden for each of us, and I couldn't help but feel fortunate to have encountered Felicity. Her warmth and genuine nature were like a balm to the nerves that fluttered beneath my skin.

With the morning chatter echoing in my ears, the impending meeting with the prince momentarily slipped my mind. After a hurried breakfast with my sisters, Leif, the ever-watchful escort, guided me through the opulent halls to meet the prince. His demeanor betrayed a subtle agitation, a departure from his usual composed self. It puzzled me, for Leif's stoic demeanor had been a constant since our arrival.

As we approached the grand doors leading to the prince's domain, a flicker of nervousness danced in my stomach. The air crackled with anticipation, and I couldn't shake the feeling that today held more significance than any other in this lavish palace as Prince Cedric greeted me.

His lips pressed delicately against the back of my hand, a gesture steeped in courtly charm. As we embarked on the tour of his realm, he revealed the splendors accessible to the courtly nobles and, with a conspiratorial twinkle in his eyes, whisked me away to more private sanctuaries reserved exclusively for the royal blood.

One such secluded haven was a hidden balcony adorned with cascading vines and fragrant blooms, offering an unparalleled view of the kingdom sprawled beneath. The air was suffused with the heady scent of jasmine, and the distant murmur of the court below created a soothing backdrop to our clandestine escape.

In contrast, the grand ballroom, resplendent with crystal chandeliers and gilded moldings, hosted lavish gatherings and extravagant dances. Prince Cedric guided me through the intricacies of courtly life, his hand warm against mine as he shared anecdotes about the various events held within its confines.

However, it was the royal gardens that stole my heart. Their grandeur unfolded before us, a symphony of colors and fragrances harmonizing in nature's embrace. We found respite on a secluded bench nestled amid vibrant blossoms. The prince's eyes lingered on me as I gazed at the beauty surrounding us, and I couldn't help but feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Prince Cedric, it is not polite to stare," I teased, emboldened by the familiarity that had blossomed between us throughout the day.

"You are admiring the beauty; please allow me to do the same," he replied, his gaze unwavering. My cheeks burned, and a surprised and awkward laugh escaped my lips.

"You are too kind, Your Highness. Truly, I don't understand why you have shown such hospitality to me. I had expected to be greatly ignored here due to my standing," I confessed, my words tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"It would be far too difficult to ignore a woman as beautiful as you. It is clear that you do not realize your own appeal, and I must say that it makes you all the more intriguing," Prince Cedric remarked, his words casting a spell that left me breathless. In that moment, the simple acknowledgment of my beauty became a revelation, a refreshing breeze in a world where I had long felt unseen and overlooked. Someone, a prince no less, was finally taking notice of me, and the realization sent a wave of exhilaration coursing through my veins.

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