Chapter 21

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The morning sun invaded my room, mercilessly ripping me from the clutches of a dreamless slumber. I groaned, my eyes protesting against the intrusion of light, and a dull throb echoed through my skull, a cruel reminder of the indulgence in too much wine the night before. Blinking away the haze, I surveyed my surroundings, and confusion gripped me.

How did I end up in my bed? The memories of the previous night were a fragmented puzzle, and I struggled to piece them together. The last recollection was resting my head on Malachi's shoulder while we shared the couch. A rush of realization hit me like a tidal wave – he must have carried me to my bed. Embarrassment crept over me like a shadow.

As the events unfolded in my mind, the dinner, Minerva's cutting remarks, and my unexpected vulnerability with Malachi played out like a vivid, bittersweet reel. I couldn't deny the intensity of the connection we shared. Despite my reservations, I had opened up to him in a way I hadn't planned. A mix of emotions swirled within me – the trepidation of revealing too much and the unexpected sense of liberation that accompanied it.

With a resigned sigh, I threw back the covers and prepared to face the day, uncertain of what lay ahead in the wake of the revelations shared under the moonlight. The realization of a wasted morning struck me like a cold wind as I saw the sun high in the sky. How could I have been so foolish as to oversleep? My determination to prove myself worthy of Malachi's attention fueled my urgency. I sprang out of bed, the echoes of my footsteps reverberating in the room, each one a reminder of lost time.

Felicity, my ever-watchful companion, appeared at the doorway with a sense of urgency etched on her face. "Please stay in bed!" she pleaded, her hands gently guiding me back to the soft embrace of the covers. Confusion clouded my expression as she hurriedly explained, "The king informed us that you would be sleeping in today. He also instructed me to give you this."

In a swift motion, she retrieved a tray adorned with a steaming bowl of delectable-looking soup and a note. As the tantalizing aroma filled the room, she left me alone with my thoughts, assuring me that she'd return to help me prepare for the day. The note lay like a secret waiting to be unraveled.

The note in Malachi's distinctive handwriting unfolded the mystery behind the soup, revealing it as a native recipe from Frosthelm, designed to cloak the effects of a relentless hangover. A soft smile tugged at my lips; it was a thoughtful gesture, a glimpse into Malachi's caring nature. Yet, embarrassment lingered like a shadow. Had I truly indulged to the point of needing such a remedy? The thought gnawed at my pride, but I couldn't afford to dwell on it.

With resolve, I pushed aside my self-consciousness. There were more pressing matters at hand. The approaching event I had been meticulously planning flashed in my mind. The ball, a delicate dance of diplomacy, uniting the new leaders and the original nobles of Stelara. The balance I aimed to strike, a showcase of unity before my family's imminent departure.

The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders like a heavy cloak. I had organized the event to prove my competence, to demonstrate that I could navigate the intricate web of political intricacies that defined our broken kingdom. My family's disapproval had been a constant companion, a disheartening refrain that echoed in my ears. Yet, with this ball, I intended to silence their doubts and showcase my worth.

As the reality of the approaching date pressed upon me, urgency propelled me into action. I needed to ensure every detail was flawless, every arrangement impeccable. The echoes of my footsteps filled the room as I prepared to face the challenges that awaited me. The ball loomed as both a celebration and a test, a pivotal moment that would either solidify my place or unravel the delicate threads of my aspirations.

The unique flavor of the native soup danced on my palate as I hastily devoured it, the promise of its magical remedy soothing my hangover's lingering echoes. Despite the persistent headache and queasiness, a surge of energy propelled me into the preparations for the day. Felicity, my ever-loyal companion, appeared like a whirlwind of efficiency.

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