Chapter 33

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The air in my childhood bedroom felt heavy as if it were silently pressing down on me, matching the weight of my thoughts. Two months had passed since I made the decision to leave the palace, to leave Malachi behind. Leif had thankfully fully recovered from the ordeal, and my family remained safe, shielded by Malachi's promise of protection. Yet, despite the passing time, the wounds of betrayal still festered within me.

Returning home was meant to bring solace, a sense of security among familiar faces and comforting surroundings. Instead, it only served to deepen the chasm between my heart and my family. They treated me with fragile delicacy, as though I were a porcelain doll on the verge of shattering. My father and siblings, they looked upon me with eyes filled with concern and pity, as if I were a mere pawn in a game of treachery orchestrated by Malachi.

Their unspoken words hung heavily in the air, suffocating me with their silent accusations. They didn't blame me, not outright at least. But their pitying gazes spoke volumes, whispering tales of my perceived naivety, of a child thrust into a world of power and manipulation beyond her comprehension. It stung, their lack of blame almost worse than if they had accused me outright. For it implied a fundamental flaw within me, a flaw so deep-rooted that it questioned my very worthiness to stand among them.

Maybe they were right, I thought bitterly, my fingers tracing the intricate patterns of the bedsheets as I wrestled with my tumultuous thoughts. Maybe I truly was unfit for anything of consequence, destined only to bring chaos and ruin upon those I held dear. The weight of their expectations pressed down upon me like a suffocating cloak, threatening to smother any glimmer of hope or ambition within me.

Closing my eyes against the onslaught of doubt and self-recrimination, I whispered into the darkness of my room, seeking solace in the silent void, "Maybe I should stay out of it all. Maybe I'll only mess it up in the end."

The days blurred together in a monotonous haze, each one a carbon copy of the last. My life at home served as a stark reminder of its mundanity, a ceaseless cycle of routine and emptiness. I found myself going through the motions, eating my meals in silence, retreating to the confines of my room to sleep, and aimlessly wandering the sprawling grounds of the Emberlyn estate.

Here, in the familiarity of my childhood home, I was nothing more than the bastard child of a commoner, an inconsequential figure relegated to the sidelines of significance. While my elder siblings were entrusted with tasks to aid in the management of the estate, I remained a mere spectator, barred from any meaningful contribution. Especially now, after my catastrophic failure at the palace, where my ambitions crumbled beneath the weight of betrayal and disillusionment.

The weight of my own insignificance bore down on me like an oppressive shroud, suffocating any semblance of purpose or ambition within me. I yearned for something more, something beyond the confines of this gilded cage, where I could wield influence and make a tangible difference in the world around me. It was in the palace, by Malachi's side, that I had tasted the intoxicating allure of power and purpose, where every action carried weight and consequence.

But here, in the quiet solitude of my childhood home, I was adrift in a sea of mediocrity, a spectator to the grandeur of life unfolding around me. I was nothing, a ghost haunting the halls of a world that had long since forgotten my name. And it seemed that this was to be my fate, to fade into obscurity, a forgotten footnote in the annals of history.

The familiar embrace of the old oak tree enveloped me as I settled into its comforting embrace, seeking solace in its sturdy branches. For years, this tree had been my sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos of the world below. But today, as I perched upon its gnarled limbs, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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