Chapter 18

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The morning sun cast a warm glow through the curtains, filling the room with a soft light. I stretched lazily in bed, savoring the remnants of a perfect day. Memories of our exploration through the city lingered in my mind, the vibrant streets of Stella unfolding like a tapestry.

As I reflected on the events of yesterday, a smile played on my lips, refusing to fade away. Malachi, with his thoughtful endeavors, had revealed a side of himself that stirred something within me. His actions, noble and selfless, painted a picture of a person I could only aspire to be.

The realization struck me like a gentle breeze, whispering secrets to my heart. This engagement, that I once considered a mere political arrangement, now held the promise of something more. Perhaps, against all odds, it could be a union fueled by genuine emotions.

The kiss we shared was a turning point, a moment that transcended the boundaries of duty and obligation. In that fleeting connection, I felt a spark that ignited a cascade of emotions. I couldn't deny the feelings that had blossomed within me, challenging the pragmatic facade I had constructed.

Malachi's kindness had woven a spell around me, and I found myself yearning for the possibility that this marriage could be more than a shield for my family. With each passing moment, the notion that I could find happiness within the confines of this arrangement took root.

Felicity's hands worked with precision as she helped me prepare for the day, her comments filled with playful encouragement. She spoke of catching the king's eye, a sentiment that both amused and intrigued me. Today was different; today, I was determined to give this engagement a genuine chance. Perhaps happiness could bloom in the most unexpected places.

Prepared and adorned, I hurried through the palace corridors, my heart beating with anticipation. The possibility of encountering Malachi filled me with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. As I reached the balcony overlooking the courtyard, my gaze was met with an unexpected delight.

A new group had arrived, Malachi's men from other nations, their figures reminiscent of the man himself. Strong and stoic, each one seemed capable of facing a legion alone. Among them, I noticed a familiar resemblance to Malachi and his right-hand man, Torin. It appeared that Frosthelm had sent reinforcements, their presence a testament to the home Malachi sought in Stella.

The courtyard buzzed with activity as families reunited, a scene that warmed my heart. The laughter of children and the embraces of loved ones created a mosaic of joy against the backdrop of the palace walls. These reunions had become more frequent, a tangible result of Malachi's efforts to stabilize the nation.

Observing the camaraderie among the arrivals, I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. Families, separated by duty and distance, were now brought together under the banner of hope. The sight of men, women, and children painted a picture of unity, a testament to the positive changes Malachi had instigated.

As I continued to watch from the balcony, a thought crossed my mind. Perhaps, in the midst of these reunions, there was a chance for Malachi and me to build something real. The optimism stirred within me, and with each passing moment, the possibility of a genuine connection in this unexpected marriage seemed more attainable than ever.

Suddenly, my eyes were drawn away from the joyous reunions in the courtyard to a figure entering that commanded attention—a woman of unparalleled beauty. Her brown skin glowed in the sunlight, and her dark hair cascaded in intricate braids, framing a face that held an aura of strength and confidence. She stood clad in warrior's attire, a living testament to her formidable presence. In that moment, a subtle wave of insecurity washed over me.

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