Chapter 11

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The night stretched endlessly as I tossed and turned in my bed, the weight of the revelations from the night pressing on my mind. His confirmation of his intention to marry me lingered like a haunting melody, a discordant note in the symphony of my thoughts. I couldn't fathom the reasons behind it, and the mystery only fueled my unease. Was it merely a ploy to manipulate me, to use my insignificant reputation as a pawn in his grand game?

I shook off those troubling thoughts, deciding not to dwell on the marriage proposal for now. My family's safety was paramount, and if playing the role of his bride was the price to ensure their well-being, then I would pay it. But I vowed to myself that I would not allow him to turn me into a puppet. I would navigate this dark dance with cunning and resilience.

As for his justifications for the attack and the devastation he unleashed, his logic sounded rational, but it didn't absolve him of the moral weight of his actions. The fear-inducing reputation that preceded him whispered warnings in my mind, cautioning me not to be swayed by his words and cunning demeanor. His tricks were as treacherous as the shadows that clung to him, and I must not let myself fall prey to the illusion of understanding.

The night wore on, each passing moment deepening the complexity of my situation. The echoes of his words resonated in the darkness, leaving me to grapple with the enigma that was the conqueror and the delicate situation I found myself entangled in.

The next day, I prepared myself to face him again, dressed in layers of nobility that seemed to constrict with each passing moment. The stubborn corset dug into my ribs, but I held my head high, a facade of grace masking the tension within. As we sat across from each other at the breakfast table on the balcony, he noticed my lack of appetite.

"Darling, I thought we had agreed to stop with the games," he remarked, his tone smooth but with a hint of irritation. I met his gaze with a steely resolve.

"You agreed to give me information, but what if I want more than that?" I asked, testing the boundaries of our agreement. His response was a sigh, a clear sign of annoyance.

"I will grant your every desire, little bird, so long as it is within my power and won't jeopardize your safety. What is it that you want?" he replied, his patience wearing thin.

"I want to see my family," I stated resolutely, laying my cards on the table. His displeased expression revealed the weight of my request. He didn't respond immediately, prompting me to push further.

"If my family is alright, surely it is within the king's mighty power to let me see them," I added, throwing his own words back at him, determined to use every tool at my disposal to ensure the safety of those I held dear. The balcony seemed to hold its breath as the tension between us escalated, the delicate balance of power shifting in the subtle currents of our conversation.

He couldn't outright refuse my request without betraying his own principles, and with a reluctant grit of his teeth, he finally conceded, "Fine. But this marks the end of your refusal to eat, agreed?" I nodded in acceptance, relieved that I would finally have the chance to see my family after days of separation.

"The palace is still dangerous. My most loyal man, Torin, will take you to your family later today," he informed me, a spark of excitement lighting up within me. His next revelation caught me off guard, though.

"Also, the whole wing is now thoroughly guarded, so you may roam it as you please," he declared, and the unexpected freedom shocked me.

Unable to resist a touch of sass, I couldn't help but quip, "You're finally releasing me from my cage?" The emphasis on his apparent imprisonment of me was deliberate, and it visibly upset him.

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