Chapter 28

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I awoke to the faint glow of morning light filtering through the curtains and a soft reminder of the tumultuous events of the previous night. My ball, meant to be a celebration, had turned into a revelation of secrets and fractures within our world. My family, supposedly my allies, had kept truths from me, endangering themselves in the process. And Malachi... he, too, had his secrets, his omissions like fresh wounds upon my heart. But despite the chaos, he had been there for me, offering solace and a steady presence in the storm.

As I reflected on the night, I found myself admitting a truth I had long tried to bury beneath duty and responsibility: I was in love with Malachi. The realization hung heavy in the air, a whispered confession to the dawn.

After our conversation, a balm to my troubled soul, he escorted me back to my chambers, ensuring my comfort before disappearing into the night to tend to matters of importance. It was a wonder he managed to spare so much time for me amidst the chaos that grips the castle. Yet, his presence lingered, a soothing memory amidst the chaos of uncertainty.

As I rose from my slumber, Felicity, my loyal handmaiden, bustled into the room, already full of chatter about Torin's striking appearance at the ball. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but root for the potential couple, despite the weight of my own concerns.

I had let Felicity's words wash over me as she fussed over my attire for the day, adjusting the folds of fabric with practiced hands. Torin and Felicity—two souls intertwined in the delicate dance of forbidden romance. I wished them well, but deep down, I knew they may need a gentle nudge to realize the depths of their connection.

My mind swirled with the myriad of tasks and decisions that awaited me, yet amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of peace. The realization of my feelings for Malachi had brought a strange sort of tranquility, even amidst the complexity of it all.

Love, I had always dreamed of it, yearned for it in the quiet corners of my heart. But now that it was here, it was as if I'd stumbled into a labyrinth of emotions, each turn fraught with its own challenges and fears. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once, a rollercoaster of emotions I had never anticipated. Yet, somewhere in the midst of it all, there was a sense of fulfillment—a realization that I was finally experiencing something truly profound, even if it was shrouded in uncertainty.

A realization had hit me with unexpected force—I wanted to schedule the wedding. Despite the initial motives behind our engagement, purely political in nature, something had shifted within me. The previous night, as Malachi and I delved into the depths of my feelings, exploring the tangled maze of emotions that bound us, I felt a clarity wash over me like a cleansing tide.

For so long, I'd viewed our impending union through the lens of duty and obligation, a strategic move to solidify alliances and bolster our nation's strength. But as I stood on the precipice of this decision, I realized it was more than just politics—it was a declaration of commitment, a promise to stand by Malachi's side, not just as a ruler, but as a partner in every sense of the word.

His words echoed in my mind, a testament to his unwavering patience and understanding. He promised not to push me, to wait until the desire for this union sprouted from within my own heart. And as I gazed into the uncertain future stretched out before us, I knew with a newfound certainty that I was ready.

I wanted to show him that my commitment ran deeper than mere words or obligations. I wanted him to know that I'm fully invested in our shared vision of a united nation, that my loyalty to him and our cause was unwavering. And perhaps, in pledging myself to him in this way, I could offer him the reassurance he needed—that he could rely on me, without fear of my loyalty wavering in the face of adversity.

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