Chapter 19

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The hours dragged on at a snail's pace, my thoughts consumed by the presence of the intriguing Minerva. In an attempt to distract myself, I immersed myself in event planning for the nobles, orchestrating gatherings to foster a semblance of normalcy. The role bestowed upon me brought a sense of influence and purpose, a small contribution to stabilizing a kingdom still reeling from the recent authority takeover.

As the day unfolded, the weight of anticipation settled upon me like a heavy cloak. Nervousness, a sensation increasingly unfamiliar in the context of my interactions with Malachi, gripped me. It wasn't the usual unease stemming from his power; this was a different vulnerability, an uncharted territory of emotions that left me feeling exposed.

The kingdom's uncertain state added to the complexity of my role, and the events I coordinated became threads woven into the tapestry of a recovering nation. Amidst the preparations, the impending dinner cast a shadow of apprehension over me. Each passing moment only intensified the knot of nerves that had taken residence within me. Tonight held the promise of revelations and challenges, an exploration of emotions that transcended the boundaries of politics and power.

The time for dinner arrived, and Torin, a familiar and silent presence, was the one to retrieve me. In recent times, I had grown accustomed to his company, finding a certain comfort in his quiet demeanor. Felicity, by my side, blushed at Torin's approach, a detail that piqued my curiosity. There was a story there, and I made a mental note to inquire about it later.

With a nod toward Felicity, Torin guided me to the dinner. While I appreciated his presence, a part of me had hoped that Malachi would take the time to retrieve me. His familiar face would have provided a reassuring anchor amidst the nerves that churned within me. Deciding to break the silence, I asked Torin, "So, who is attending this dinner?"

A subtle smile played on Torin's lips as he responded, "Mostly friends from the Frosthelm tribe. Some from elsewhere that have made it into Malachi's inner circle." His excitement for the dinner was palpable, evident in the warmth that emanated from him. I had hoped he would sense my nerves and provide some insight into what to expect, but Torin seemed blissfully oblivious, eager to reunite with friends.

We made our way to the dinner and I couldn't shake the apprehension that lingered. The unfamiliarity of the situation and the desire for a connection with Malachi left me yearning for reassurance. In the midst of friends from Frosthelm and others who had found a place in Malachi's inner circle, I braced myself for an evening that held the potential to unravel the complexities of relationships in this world.

As we entered the room, the sound of Malachi's laughter greeted us, and my disappointment swelled. He was already here, surrounded by friends, including Minerva. The realization hit me like a wave—I didn't belong in this circle, a stark reminder of a lifetime of not fitting in. The comfort I had felt with Malachi seemed to dissipate, replaced by the harsh reality that perhaps I was merely a temporary guest in his world.

Anxiety surged within me as I scanned the room, realizing that everyone was already present, except for Torin and me. The laughter, the camaraderie, and the already flowing wine created an atmosphere that intensified my feelings of inadequacy.

Just as my nerves reached their peak, Malachi's eyes found mine. His smile, impossibly bigger, thawed the chill of my uncertainty. "Elara!" he exclaimed, standing and making his way toward me. The room buzzed with the merriment of the gathering, and from the looks of it, they had already indulged in a fair amount of wine.

Malachi enveloped me in his strong arms, whispering in my ear, "I am so glad that you're here, love." His words, a balm to my anxious soul, brought a warmth that eased the turmoil within. In that moment, amidst the laughter and the shared joy, I clung to the reassurance he offered—a reminder that, in his eyes, I had a place in this dance of relationships and revelry.

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