Chapter 13

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The castle corridors stretched out before me, dimly lit by flickering torches that cast dancing shadows on the cold stone walls. My footsteps echoed as I made my way back to my room, my mind heavy with the weight of newfound doubts. The bond of trust between Malachi and me seemed fragile and delicate as ever before.

I had insisted on the freedom to wander to my family's quarters, a privilege granted by Malachi himself. Yet, as I walked through the quiet halls, the doubts planted by my kin began to take root. Whispers of suspicion had reached my ears, questioning Malachi's intentions and the sincerity of his promises.

The night enveloped me as I stepped outside, the air heavy with the scent of rain. Uncertainty echoed in each raindrop that pattered against the cobblestone courtyard. I walked alone, the only companion being the rhythmic drumming of the rain, mirroring the turmoil within my troubled mind.

As I passed the courtyard's edge, a gust of wind carried the distant howls of wolves, a haunting melody that added to the ominous atmosphere. My steps quickened, driven by the urgency to escape the doubts that clung to me like a persistent shadow.

The courtyard then unfolded a gruesome scene before me. In the distance, silhouetted against the eerie glow of lantern light, I saw the figures. Panic seized my heart as I recognized one of them—Malachi, the man I was beginning to trust.

Suddenly, the night erupted into a macabre tableau. One of the figures was forcibly brought to his knees, desperate pleas for mercy echoing in the air. My breath caught as Malachi, a dark silhouette against the dimly lit backdrop, unsheathed his sword with deadly grace.

In a merciless flash, the blade cut through the air, severing the man's head from his trembling body. The darkness of the evening bore witness to the gruesome spectacle, blood painting the courtyard with a sinister hue. I gasped, my hand instinctively moving to cover my mouth to stifle the horrified sound.

Reality crashed down on me like a storm, washing away the illusions I had woven around Malachi. That man was a ruthless warlord, a fact I had chosen to ignore. My family's warnings echoed in my mind, a haunting chorus of "I told you so."

Fear and shock paralyzed me for a moment, my eyes fixated on the lifeless body crumpled on the ground. I couldn't afford to be noticed; I couldn't afford to become a target. In that heart-stopping moment, I made a swift decision. My feet carried me away from the grisly scene, through the courtyard, and toward the sheltering embrace of the forest.

As I ran, the rain-soaked earth beneath my feet blurred with each step. The forest loomed ahead, a sanctuary of shadows that promised concealment. I couldn't think clearly; all I knew was the desperate need to escape, to distance myself from the chilling reality that had unfolded before me. The fantasy I had woven now unraveled, leaving me with the harsh truth—I had become blind to the merciless nature of this man.

The forest engulfed me in its shroud of darkness, a labyrinth of twisted trees and tangled undergrowth. I ran aimlessly, the echoes of Malachi's gruesome act still reverberating in my mind. I was running from a monster, the man I had foolishly begun to believe was different.

My footsteps were erratic, and I paid no heed to the noise I created. Tears mingled with the rain on my cheeks as I sprinted through the shadows, a desperate attempt to escape the horror trailing behind me. Then, through the haunting symphony of rain and leaves, I heard it—a call, a plea, carrying the weight of the man I had fled from.

"Elara!" His voice sliced through the night, tearing at the fabric of my resolve. I refused to slow down, refused to face the darkness that lurked in his wake. "Elara, stop!" he shouted again, the urgency in his voice matching the pounding of my heart.

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