Chapter 10

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The afternoon's revelations left my mind in turmoil. According to Malachi, my family was safe, a comforting thought amid the chaos that had befallen us. Yet, it was his unexpected proposal—his desire for me to be his queen—that left me utterly perplexed. Was it a genuine proposition, or was it a maneuver to assert dominance in this unsettling new reality?

My refusal seemed to trigger an even more cryptic statement: "I have waited ten years for this, love." What could he have meant by those words? The enigma that was Malachi only deepened, and I found myself grappling with the mysteries that surrounded him.

Despite the fearsome reputation that preceded him, he had been surprisingly kind to me. Beneath the layers of power and conquest, he appeared as a complex man, capable of both ruthlessness and unexpected gentleness. The contradictions left me questioning the true nature of the man who now held the fate of my family and kingdom in his hands.

As I was led away from the balcony by the servants, a new sense of determination settled within me. The revelations and peculiar proposal from Malachi had ignited a strategic spark in my mind. My priority was clear: confirm his intentions, safeguard my family, and navigate this complex web with caution.

On the way to my room, I took advantage of the moment to familiarize myself with my surroundings. The grandeur of the wing I found myself in suggested it was reserved for the royals—a place meant for those in positions of power. The opulence of the space contradicted the ominous circumstances that had led me here.

However, the realization dawned on me that such a regal environment also meant heightened security. Escape would not be an easy feat; every move would likely be monitored and any attempt thwarted. This realization only intensified the need for a calculated approach to navigate the delicate balance of power.

The day unfolded in solitude, my thoughts lingering on the complex situation that bound me to Malachi's mysterious plans. The servants brought lunch, but my appetite waned in the face of uncertainties. As evening approached, I found myself once again being prepared for a meal, this time led into a private dining room within the grand wing.

As I entered, my eyes locked onto Malachi, rising from his seat. This time, the shock of his presence had subsided, allowing me the opportunity to observe him more closely. He looked different from the royalty I was familiar with, yet an aura of power surrounded him, accentuated by the absence of bloodstains on his attire. His long, dark hair, typically seen as brutish in my world, now seemed regal, adding to the air of authority he exuded. Muscles moved beneath his clothing as he approached, emphasizing his tall and imposing stature.

Caught up in my observations, I was startled when he spoke, his voice a melodic greeting, "Hello, darling." In a surprising display of nobility, he took my hand, bowing and placing a kiss upon it. It was a gesture that contradicted his fearsome reputation, yet he carried it with a peculiar grace that left me momentarily captivated.

Malachi continued his gentlemanly demeanor, pulling out my chair and ensuring I was comfortably seated before retreating to his own place at the table. The air was charged with tension as I contemplated my next move, his observant eyes catching every nuance of my expressions.

"You seem to be plotting," he remarked with an amused smirk. My response was a straightforward acknowledgment, "Well, what do you expect after our earlier conversation?" His laughter, surprisingly warm, resonated in the room, momentarily breaking the intimidating facade he wore as he mumbled, "Fair enough."

As the food was served, I hesitated, realizing that this was a chance to leverage whatever influence I could. Malachi, perceptive as ever, noticed my reluctance and stopped eating, regarding me with a sigh. "What do you want, little bird?" he inquired. Seizing the opportunity, I declared, "Information."

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