Chapter 29

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As I dashed through the echoing corridors of the palace, panic clawed at my chest like a beast hungry for my sanity. Malachi was nowhere to be found, and the palace guards seemed as clueless as I was. How could it be that in a place commanded by him, no one knew the whereabouts of the king?

With each passing moment, my mind raced with the terrifying possibilities. Leif, dear Leif, could be in danger, and I couldn't afford to lose him. I clung desperately to the belief that Malachi was human enough to not hurt my friend.

But I couldn't waste any more time searching for Malachi. Leif's life hung in the balance, and if there was any chance he was still alive, I had to find him, and I had to do it now. Every second was precious, each heartbeat a drum urging me forward into the unknown.

As I hurried towards the direction of the dungeons, my mind churned with doubts. Would Leif truly be held there? Would I even be able to get in? It was a risky assumption, given the dungeon's fortified defenses. Guards would likely question my presence, and I had no guarantee of success.

Just as I wrestled with these uncertainties, a figure materialized before me like a haunting specter: Minerva. Her presence alone was enough to shroud me in an aura of inadequacy. But I couldn't afford to be distracted by her. Leif's safety was my priority.

Ignoring the urge to engage with her, I pressed on, hoping to evade any confrontation. Yet, as I passed by, her voice sliced through the air like a razor, dripping with disdain. "Why is Malachi's new toy in such a rush?" Her words grated against my nerves, each syllable a barb aimed directly at my resolve.

My jaw clenched with frustration as Minerva effortlessly blocked my path, her presence an insurmountable obstacle in my desperate race against time. How could she move so swiftly, so gracefully?

Her voice, dripping with intrigue, sliced through the tension like a knife. "Oh my," she purred in her alluring accent, her words a velvet caress against my fraying composure. "Something must be very wrong."

Refusing to dignify her curiosity with a response, I glared at her with seething anger, willing her to step aside. Yet, she remained rooted in place, her expression a mix of confusion and amusement. It was as though she reveled in the power she held over me.

But then, her gaze shifted to where I had been heading, and comprehension flickered across her features like a sinister flame. A wicked smile twisted her lips as she connected the dots. "This is about the breach," she declared, her voice laced with satisfaction. "Someone you care for was involved."

Her words struck me like a physical blow, confirming her astute perception. This was no mere game; she reveled in the chaos, relished the opportunity to wield her influence like a weapon. With steely resolve, I met her gaze head-on. "Let me pass, Minerva," I demanded, my voice a firm declaration of intent. This was no time for games or manipulation. Leif's life hung in the balance, and I would stop at nothing to ensure his safety.

"Oh I have no intention of stopping you."

Minerva's words hung in the air, freezing me in place. Her sudden change in demeanor caught me off guard, leaving me uncertain of her true intentions.

As I resumed my determined stride, her warning struck like a bolt of lightning, halting me once more. "But the guards might," she adds. "The dungeon is no place for the faint hearted. Even if you like to pretend to have power in this palace, they know better than to let you in."

The guards, formidable and loyal to the core, stood as formidable obstacles in my path. Panic clawed at the edges of my mind, threatening to consume me whole. What if I couldn't find Leif?

Minerva's voice, dripping with a cruel kind of amusement, pierced through my mounting dread. "But..." she drawled, her words elongated like the coils of a serpent. Reluctantly, I turned to face her, my gaze locking with hers in a silent battle of wills.

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