What would happen in SCP 999 met SCP 096?

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Warning: Fluff, maybe angsty?

SCP 096 is quite emotionally distraught in general (over something?). SCP 096 becomes angered or emotionally distraught. This is why 096 is Euclid and needs to be kept under surveillance.

SCP 999 is the opposite of 096. He is classified as safe and is granted access to wander the facility. 999 has the power to make any depressed/angered/upset individual happy or joyful.

He has a strict candy and sweets diet. He is not permitted to visit unsafe anomalies.

If 999 kind makes anything feel good, i'm sure SCP 096 will become angered at first but when and if SCP 999 approaches further, then 096 may be calmer or more docile (maybe even play with 999). This might become a way to neutralize 096 when it breaches. 

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