new beginnings and the return

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Angelo pov

Something isn't right; the digital sun, which was supposed to set, remains suspended. I turned to TTT and queried, "Is the sun like this normally?" Tilting my head, I awaited her response. "No... it usually goes down by now, but why didn't it go down? I think we should get away from the beach," she suggested, rising to head back to the village. I followed suit.

At the village entrance, a massive earthquake nearly threw us off balance. Fortunately, we caught each other. Checking on TTT's well-being, I asked, "TTT, are you alright?" She regained her balance and flashed a thumbs up. "Never better... but we have to see what happened. A digital earthquake means something bad occurred," she explained. Nodding, we entered the global village, finding the TV head people gathered around a bulletin board. Instead of a speech, it displayed an antivirus system announcement—MAG-V detected. My realization hit: Michael Angelo virus, operating at DOS level, capable of causing serious damage.

Looking at TTT, it was evident she grasped the severity. Moving to a less crowded area in the digital landscape, we contemplated the situation. "Michael Angelo virus..." TTT mused. I leaned against a wall, asking, "Do you have any ideas?"

TTT, meeting my gaze, replied, "I do have ideas... remember the digital sun?" I nodded, acknowledging the peculiar time concept in the digital landscape. She continued, "A day in the global village is 5 hours in the real world, and if I'm correct, it should be the next day now." The realization hit me—five hours had passed. Time fluctuations in different worlds aside, our focus shifted to unraveling why the MAG-V had such a significant impact on everyone.

Suddenly, I could hear a lightbulb thinking—did TTT do that? Sparks lit up in her eyes. "I have an idea! Since you aren't really from the digital world but from the real world, I think you can fix this!" I hesitated, but with no other choice, TTT inched closer. No personal space for me.

"Will you do it? Please!" she pleaded. "Ah, damn it. Alright, I'll do it," I reluctantly agreed. TTT slowly backed away, a smile playing on her face. "Good! I'll tell you some secrets," she said, gesturing 'shh.' I gulped, listening intently to what she was about to reveal.

"Once another earthquake begins, there's a high chance the digital ocean will retreat to extremely low levels. A tsunami will occur. Don't worry; it's like a data clean option but more widespread. It won't affect anyone but the virus, and maybe you, since you're not really from the digital world." I brushed off the fact that I might be affected by the data clean tsunami. TTT's consolation signified her care for me.

"And so?" I inquired. She continued, "If we're taking into account that you can create weapons to destroy viruses, you might be able to eliminate the MAG-V immediately. Although, I think the only way to reach MAG-V is to ride the waves of the tsunami—to go to the digital sun or the global database, I guess." I needed a moment to process. "Hold on, rewind, rewind. I have to ride the huge tsunami? I have to go surfing to see the sun! And a big tsunami too?! Are you kidding me, TTT!?"

I asked her, and she just smiled. Oh, she is serious. She answered with a light nod. Oh god, there's no use. I just need to pray I'll survive. I sighed and said, "Alright... I'll go with your plan, TTT. And don't go crying on me if I die!" I expressed slight anger, reflecting on my transition from the initial fun in the digital world to playing the hero to stop a virus affecting everyone. What a life...

Before I could react, TTT hugged me, causing me to blush. "H-hey, what is this for?" The hug continued, and after a few minutes, she let go. "I'm just taking every opportunity. You do know I still don't have a physical body in the real world, right? That's why I'm always finding time to show my appreciation of you!" She smiled. Of course, I was embarrassed. Without any warning, my crush and current best friend hugged me out of nowhere! Who wouldn't be surprised if their crush just hugged them? Ah! Stop thinking about anything, me! Stop it! I gathered my composure and nodded before looking at TTT and asking, "So where's the surfboard?" I asked her. "Surfboard?" she said... Wait, don't tell me—

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