Part 23

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Avneet woke up with a feeling of pain throughout her body. She frowned her eyes. Her stomach made a noise. She was hungry. She only had breakfast as a meal the day before.    
It was the room where she stayed all these years. 
She was brought back to her uncle's home, she remembered. 

"Wake up! Did you? Bring us a cup of tea, hurry!" she heard her aunt. 
She got up and washed her face. 

She went to the kitchen when her eyes landed on her uncle who was talking on the phone. It was early 7 o'clock. 

"Yes sir..." she heard her uncle. 
"Okay sir, will do it," the phone was declined. 

Avneet poured water on the tea pot. How was Siddharth doing? Was he worrying for her? Will he come to save her, once again? Will she ever experience happiness, that would last forever?
She wondered. 

She put some tea leaves on the boiling water. 
She was so happy all these days. She experienced happiness, love, care and they made her feel that she is important too. 
A tear dripped from her eyes. She wiped it off. 

She took out some biscuit and placed them on a tray. The water had got its color already. She poured it into three cups and served the two to her uncle and aunt. 
The silence of them was killing her. She wondered what her uncle and aunt were up to. 

She went back to the kitchen and took a sip of her tea. 
"I feel so strange... I am missing mom and h-him!" she thought. 

Suddenly her hair was grabbed into a fist. She winched in pain. 

"Just because Asmit wants you without wounds, we are letting you go!" she heard her aunt. 
"Its such a shame that you ran away! You brought a bad name to the family!" 

Avneet didn't protest as she knew that there was no point doing that. 
"She has always been a bad luck to us! So worthless and useless!" her uncle said. 

"Its the bless of god that we found her else we would have had to return all the money to Asmit!" Asmit glared at her.                

"We almost got killed, only because of you Avneet!" Her uncle hissed.
"WHY ARE YOU QUIET!" her aunt yelled. 
"What am I supposed to say?" Avneet sounded serious. 

 "Who is that guy with whom you had run away Avneet?" her uncle asked her. 
"And what exactly has happened between you two?"

Avneet didn't reply. 
The sound of a slap echoed through the room. 

"FEED HER SOMETHING! we will have to go to Asmit's den by 9 am," Asmit ordered his wife. "Give her a better cloth to wear."

Avneet took a bath and dressed up. She looked at the dry roti her aunt has given her. She looked at the new maid, who pitied her too but couldn't speak because Mrs. Kaur was standing in front of her.

After having breakfast, she was taken forcefully to the jeep Asmit has sent them. 

"This time, don't you dare to run away Avneet, the consequences will be much worse than you are thinking," her uncle completed when their attention was attracted towards the sound of footsteps.

Avneet knew the sound.
She prayed to the almighty and clenched her eyes together.

"Uncle! Don't you ever feel  bad? I am your own niece! Why did you do this to me?" 
For the first time in her life, she talked back at her uncle. 

"Your father was always praised, while I was under estimated! That is why you are suffering. I got no profit, rather loss being his brother. My parents abandoned me because they thought your father will bring them profit! I was left with nothing. Isn't that enough?" Her uncle sounded low with eyes burning of a past incident.

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