Chapter Three

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The room was filled with the soft, golden glow of the morning sun seeping through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth upon my face. I slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, my head pounding, as if drums were playing a relentless beat inside my skull.

“Ah..”, with a groan, I gingerly opened my eyes, only to be met with a sight that sent my heart racing. 

What…is this place..? Why am I here..?

The opulent hotel room, adorned with exquisite furnishings and tasteful decor, surrounded me in an aura of grandeur. Satin draped billow gently in the slight breeze, and crystal chandeliers casted a dazzling dance of light across the room. 

My gaze shifted to the sleeping figure beside me, a handsome stranger whose peaceful expression contrasted with my own bewilderment. 

Who…is this? Why is he in the same bed as me..?! 

I couldn’t help but be taken aback in shock, seeing him lying next to me. A rush of surprise surged through me as I took in his chiseled features, like those of a Greek god. He had a jawline that could cut diamonds, and perfectly tousled dark hair that framed his face exquisitely. He seemed almost too perfect to be real. 

I couldn’t help but find myself captivated by his stunning face, every angle sculpted to perfection. How lucky will that woman who will get to see this breathtaking sight every morning?

With each breath he took, I couldn’t help but wonder how someone could be so breathtakingly gorgeous. It felt like a scene from a romantic movie, my heart fluttered in my chest. 

But as realization struck me, I swiftly sat up, my hand instinctively reached for the comforting touch of the soft, white blankets, clutching them tightly to my exposed chest. My mind raced, piecing together fragments of memory from the night before. 

“How can someone be this handsome?” 

“Spend a night with me.”

“I really want to taste those lips of yours.” 

“Are you a gay..?”

As all the flashbacks started playing inside my head. My cheeks turned bright red. With every passing second it turned even redder. What have I done..? Did I throw myself at a stranger..? Did we do it? I shifted my gaze at him again, even in his peaceful slumber, he exuded a magnetic charm that seemed to melt my heart. 

No..what the fuck am I thinking? I need to get out of here first. 

As realization struck me, I swiftly snapped myself back to reality. I quickly moved away from him, feeling a sense of urgency. I gathered my clothes from the floor and hastily dressed myself, my mind still filled with confusion. 

As I glanced back at the still-sleeping man, I couldn’t deny the lingering impact of his presence. It was a brief moment that left me with a sense of wonder. I shook my head and with a deep breath, opened the door and ran away from there. 


“Do you mean that you slept with a stranger last night?”, Jade inquired over the call, as I took my seat in my cabin. The room felt quiet and introspective. With my phone still pressed to my ear, my gaze shifted downward, my eyes fixating on the cup of coffee placed before me. It sat there, untouched and growing cold, mirroring the somberness I felt inside. 

Jade’s question hung in the air, causing my breath to catch. I let out a sigh, a mixture of resignation and sadness, before finally responding with a hesitant, “Yes.” 

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