Chapter Four

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A N D R E A x K Y L E

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A N D R E A x K Y L E

[Author's pov]:

"So you're telling me that girl left you some cash behind for your service?!" Alex burst out laughing, sinking into the plush couch of the sumptuous cabin. The cabin was located on the top floor of the country's tallest building. Kyle stood behind his polished desk, gazing out at the breathtaking scenery beyond the glass.

Kyle turned around, irritation etched on his face, to face Alex, who was still struggling to contain his laughter. "Okay, I'm sorry," Alex managed to say between chuckles. Trying to compose himself, Alex asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Find her for me," Kyle replied, his expression remaining stoic. Alex couldn't resist cracking a joke, "Find her? Why do you need her though? Do you, by chance, need more cash from her?"

Kyle glanced up, his eyes emitting a chilling aura that made Alex realize it was time to stop joking. "Okay, I'll get to that work right away," Alex cleared his throat and quickly made his way out of Kyle's cabin.

Kyle watched him leave, then settled into his chair behind the desk. Leaning back, he muttered, "Woman, you can't just get away with this that easily."


Andrea sat at her desk in her cozy cabin, engrossed in her work on the laptop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, providing her with a comforting energy boost. Just as she was getting into the flow, a knock on the door interrupted her concentration. It was her secretary, Luna, seeking permission to enter.

"Ms. Andrea, may I come in?" Luna asked politely, her voice laced with professionalism.

Andrea glanced up from her laptop, briefly meeting Luna's gaze. "Yes, come in," she replied, granting her entry.

Luna stepped into the room and began discussing Andrea's schedule for the afternoon. However, before Luna could finish, Andrea cut her off abruptly. "Can't it," she interjected, her tone indicating her lack of interest. "I have some important work, so I won't be able to attend it."

Luna nodded understandingly, acknowledging Andrea's decision, and quietly exited the cabin. Andrea watched her secretary leave, her gaze lingering on the closed door. She let out a heavy sigh, her thoughts consumed by the upcoming meeting with her mother. The strained relationship she had with her parents, both her mother and father, weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.
[End of Author's pov]


[Andrea's pov]:
I sat at the dining table, my gaze fixed on my plate, feeling the weight of my mother's cold aura across from me. The silence hung heavily in the air until my mother, Lucy, finally broke it with a question.

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