Sand and seashells

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Katakuri's pov

I told her "I love you" without thinking much! She would probably feel like I am forcing my feelings on her?! And she didn't tell anything! And it's kind off bugging me! It's not like I wanted her to tell me back? But I did expected her to!
Ahhhh! I should distract myself! Let me work out! And what shall I tell her when I meet her tonight? It will be so awkward!
I had never thought I would think about all these in the first place.
(y/n)! You are all that I think about! Do you even know how much you drive me crazy!?
She looked beautiful like always! I miss her so much!

Oh! These girls are back again.....what shall I do? Probably ignoring is better! But let me stay alert just in case!

It's (y/n)! What's she doing here? Is It something related to my sudden "I love you" confession?!
But I am happy that she is here!
Ahhh she is about to do something crazy!

She is pissed at them?! She is jealous! She is cute! So cute!
That's right.....she doesn't need words to show her love!
But I really didn't expect her to be jealous kind!

Katakuri's pov ends

"Katakuri-sama get changed! Let's go! I know a really good spot!"
Katakuri nodded.

You slowly started to remove your dress. That caught katakuri's attention. He froze there and started to scan you from top to bottom.
You had wore your swimsuit under your dress as it was convenient.
It was white swimsuit with little details which enhanced your physical features.

You were feeling little embarrassed now that katakuri was staring you non stop.
"Katakuri-sama? Does it look odd or something?"
"No.....nothing!" He said as he turned away from you and started changing quickly.

"Wait a minute! Did he just turn around? Is it so bad? That's right! It's not like I have good figure for swimsuit......probably.....what shall I do?" You thought to yourself.

As you were immersed in your deep thought, katakuri had teleported right next to you in a second and held your hand gently and said "you look sexy! I was just shocked..... the moment I saw you my dirty thoughts took over my I turned away....i didn't wanted to seem like a pervert......"

You thought "He kind of knew what was going on in my head! He understood's making my chest feel tight.....I don't mind his dirty thoughts.....I don't mind him touching me......more like I want him to! What am I even thinking! I am the one with dirty thoughts now! It's making he feel hot! I thought we could have a normal date! God!"

" let's go katakuri-sama!"
You both held hands as you walked on the seashore as he took the basket from your hand.
"You know (y/n) I have never done these kind of things before! That too going on picnic to beach and stuff.....I always thought it was not something my kind would do....."
"Katakuri-sama what do you mean by my kind?! Because you are pirate? You are wrong...."
"I mean you know my family and all right....."
"I know......but! Be prepared! I might take you out on dates like this! Surprising you!"
"Isn't it something I should do? You know like the boyfriend plans these things right?"
"No rules in love katakuri-sama!"
"But next time I will definitely plan something more special!"
"I can't wait for it!!" You said as you smiled in excitement.
You both walked as you collected all the beautiful seashells and talked a lot till you reached a small cave near seashore.
"Wow! A cave"
"Yessss! It's a famous date spot of our island you know!"
"But I don't see people here....."
"Ahh! That's because they come during night time.....if you know what I mean..."
"Damn! I see......aren't you little brave to bring me here during day time?!"
"You are wrong! That was not my intention....."
"Why are you looking away then?"
"For no reason...."
You both laughed at each other and started to put the beach mat and sat down to enjoy the view.
You took out the sun screen to apply when-
"(y/n) let me help you with that"
You never thought katakuri was a kind of person to apply sunscreen on his girlfriend.

You lay on your back awkwardly and nodded.
"Why are you so stiff?" He laughed.
"I don't know what to do?"
"Relax....let me give you a nice massage..."
You layed there as he run his hands on your tummy, neck and thighs.
It felt good!
"Turn around"
You layed on your tummy as katakuri removed your bikini top string to apply the sunscreen.
You felt Katakuri's lips on your back.
" tickles....."
His kiss felt so good on your skin. You wanted him to continue but he stopped to apply the sunscreen.
He gave a good back massage making you feel relaxed.
His hands moved down to your butt.
He spanked them.
"Did it hurt?!"
"A a good way....probably..."
"So you liked it?"
"No.....I guess"
He came near to your ear and whispered "can I bite them? Mark won't be seen too?"
"You are so mean (y/n)! Now I am feeling like biting you more!"
He started to kiss your lower back and came down to your ass as he placed little love bites on them.
You moaned under your breath.
"I am done. Let me tie your bikini strap."
He tied it as you got up.
"My turn katakuri-sama"
"Okay! Will I get a massage?"
There was an awkward silence as you massaged him.
"(y/n) can we have sex here and not inside the cave?"
"Who told we are gonna have sex?!"
"We are not?!"
"'s a normal beach date....where we eat, drink and play in water!"
Katakuri was silent as you applied sunscreen.
"Katakuri-sama I am done! Now let's go play in water!"
"Wait a minute"
"What's wrong?"
"Let me just-" he grabbed you by your hand pulled you towards him and started kissing your neck!
He knew your weakness!
"Playing in water can let me just admire your body with my lips..."
You could feel butterflies in your stomach.
His each kiss on your neck felt hot!
Your hands ran up and down his back feeling his skin.
"Katakuri-sama.....I love you so much........."
He grabbed you hard and muffled on your chest "Thank you (y/n)"
"I am sorry katakuri-sama.....I couldn't reply you properly in the morning...." You said as your fingers ran through his crimson hair.
"You don't need to be....i am so happy right now!"

Katakuri lifted you up and ran towards the beach with most happiest and relieved expression. You couldn't help but scream in excitement!

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