Chapter Seventeen

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Did she care that she was technically grounded? Not at all.

She wasn't actually going exploring, anyway. She headed to Wanderling Woods and knelt beside her brother's Wanderling, only to find that there was a letter tucked beneath one of its leaves. Her curiosity piqued, she leaned down and picked up the letter.


I know you're not really happy with us at the moment and you'll kill me later for leaving this letter, but you never let us talk to you, we can't determine what you're feeling. I'm an Empath – you can't lie to an Empath! But you can, for some reason. Savi, I don't detect a hint of emotion on you at any time. You're hiding it somehow. And I can't see through you anymore, I can't tell how you react to anything, and it's terrifying.

Also... Savi, Will's gone. We'll visit him as a family on his birthday every year, but you can't keep coming here once a week. I knew you would, and took advantage of it, and that's wrong, but visiting him every week is wrong too! Please stop clinging on to him. You need to move on. Will wouldn't want this.

And... he'd probably want you to talk to your parents, too.

With love,

Keefe & Sophie

Savi placed her letter right underneath theirs. She even copied their handwriting for fun.

Dad and Mom,

I'm having fun copying your handwriting because it's about the only thing you could give me – fun.

Don't tell me to leave Will. I'm not ready. He's my brother. You gave up on him awfully fast. I know he's dead and gone but his Wanderling is somebody. With someone's DNA. A very important someone. I'm watching it grow. Watching it be the brother I never got to have.

Sure, maybe Will would've wanted me to hang out with you. But I am aware that Will is dead and gone. I might be clinging on to what's left of him here, but I do know the harsh truths. I know Will would've disagreed with a lot that I've done. Maybe even stopped loving me.

But the truth is, Will's gone, I accept that, and I'm not bound anymore. I don't have to be a good big sister.

Don't tell me I have to be a role model for Serena. Tell me, when on earth have I ever cared about her? She's a nuisance. And honestly? You and Mom are becoming nuisances too. I'll just need to steal another Pathfinder, and you'll never see me again. Sound good? Probably. You probably want to ditch me any chance you get! Way to be obvious.

There's no love for you. When have you ever treated me with love?


Savi had been the nickname given to her by her parents. She couldn't be Savi anymore.

From now on, she went by the name Lady Gisela gave her – and that was Anna.

The name Savi stuck with her, though. She'd been called that her entire life. Everyone was still calling her that. But Gisela's name was something new, different. And then there was Cerulean's. Sav was still too close to Savi for her liking.

Maybe she should just go by the full Savannah and let them call her what they liked.

But maybe part of her wanted to cling on to the few things her parents had given her that she'd actually liked.

In her heart, she'd always be Savi. But on the outside, she was no longer going by the name her parents had given her.

Looking back at her signature, she crossed out the S, A, V, and H.

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