Chapter 9 - Wither

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I found two guys hiding outside the store I work at, I found out their names are Ink and X. Ink seems quieter, maybe he's just shy, X though was talkative. We parted ways because they were going home and I had to get off my break, I entered the store again when one of my co-workers says "About damn time, come and help me, we need you at the registers." This is like your average gas station so it isn't crowded. Eventually it turns 8pm, end of my shift so I leave and head home. I then see Ink and X outside a house, I can only assume it's their house. "Hey! Everything okay?" I ask them, they look at my direction and Ink gives me a thumbs up so I walk to the forest, not many people know but in the forest there's a calming empty space, I usually go there when I need to calm down and I figured I could relax there, so I make way to that empty space in the forest. I get to the space, it's quiet and calming. "I'm just tired of being treated like nothing...what's wrong with me...maybe they were right.... maybe I'm just freak and a failure..." I think to myself. This is my safe haven where I feel accepted and cared for, so why can't others accept me...suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over "Are you okay?" Ink asks. 

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