𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓸𝓴𝓪𝔂 [1]

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Start Saturday December 16,2023 

It was a gray day, I was limping back home, my face was bruised, my shirt was torn, there were at least 3 missing buttons of my uniform.The daylight began to hide away, street lights began to flicker and dimly lite up the streets. My head was throbbing in immense pain,I still remember the pain I felt as if I had cracked my skull or there was internal bleeding,  I fell back pretty hard on my head during the fight. I remember praying to god dad would not be home, I was already in pain I didn't want to deal with him too.

I felt a light drop of liquid on my cheek and looked up at the sky. Little droplets had begun to fall and the dry streets began to create patterns of droplets. "Oh great, now I'll be soaked." The young boy cried out. He tried to walk a little faster but his aching ankle wouldn't let him.

I decided to sit down near the corner of one of the buildings, and I began to cry, I just couldn't hold back, I needed these tears to get out of me.I brought my legs up to my chest and wrapped my hands around my legs and put my head down and continued crying with the sky, It feels comforting to not cry alone.

I felt something heavy on top of my head and looked up to see a Boy who seems few years older than me, he had placed his shirt on my head " You will get sick, if you sit here and cry" He said with stoic expression, but his eyes were filled with a glint of concern. When I didn't respond he held my wrist and lifted me up and started dragging me with him " W–wait , where are you taking me? " I yelled out trying to take my hand away but he had a strong grip.

He took me into one of the mini stores that were around the area, and he didn't say anything but dragged me with him to the aisle full of bandages, alcohol wipes and other necessities."

 The bruise near your eye is turning a very dark shade of purple, you should apply some ointment" He said without looking at me and continued to grab a few things.He took me with him to the counter and paid some cash. And walked towards the area with a few empty chairs. He made me sit down on one of the chairs and brought another one to sit directly in front of me. He began to apply the ointment onto my face and that's when i noticed,the specks of blood on his white t-shirt.

" How did this happen " I say gesturing towards his shirt,I got no response, I didn't try to question him further but I found it odd that a complete stranger was helping me out and I was blindly letting him Help me, for some reason I felt safe with him, even though I was drenched I didn't feel cold instead I felt a sudden warmth develop within me.

" This should do, take this cream with you and apply it later after you take the bandage off" He said "And get you ankle checked" He added and got of the chair ,He was slightly taller than me, his hair was up to his shoulder and it covered his eyebrows, He definitely needs a haircut I remember thinking " Umm Thanks phi" I said smiling at him,He didn't say anything and quickly turned around and began walking away to the entrance of the store ," Wait" I yelled out and got of the chair but when I got out of the store he was gone, He simply vanished, " was that my guardian angel or something" I whispered to myself mouth wide open.

I turned around to head in the direction of my house but I was engulfed in complete darkness, and the next thing I knew I was running , My heart was beating frantically ,My eyes were stinging with tears threatening to burst out any moment, I was scared, I couldn't breathe I felt suffocated .

That's when I noticed a bright ray of light, I need to get to the light,I felt a slight wave of relief wash over me ,As i reached my hand forward I felt hands grabbing me from behind,I tried to scream but nothing came out, Horror was ripping through me, more hands covered in blood were pulling me back then they let go and I fell face flat.

I could taste dirt in my mouth ,I raised my head only to be met with a figure pointing his gun towards me, my eyes widened in horror, I tried to cry out for help but still nothing, I squeezed my eyes shut and heard the sound of gunshot ringing through my ears and felt hot liquid trickling down from my forehead and soon I found myself being swallowed up into nothingness,I felt myself drifting down under the dirt and than a loud bang.


I ripped my eyes open in horror, looking around frantically ,I was drenched in sweat, I felt as if I was being strangled, I couldn't breathe, Im gasping for the oxygen around me ,the heat in my body was slowly cooling down but the sound of the gunshot kept ringing in my ear. My hands wouldn't stop shaking." NuNew breath, breath" A soft voice spoke out I hadn't even realized there was someone besides me.My vision was clouded with tears.

"Its okay ,your okay ,I'm here for you shhhh" The small boy besides me engulfed me into his arms and continued rubbing my back while whispering soothing words to me.I followed his words and took deep breaths.

He placed a kiss on my hair and got me out of my bed and led me out of my room , I squinted my eyes due to change of lighting but my vision eventually adjusted itself, the boy placed me on the couch and was about to leave but I grabbed onto his hand, tears flowing out of my eyes " Its okay NuNew, I'm getting you some water, Your safe don't worry" He said softly and removed my hand and went to grab some water .

The boy returned back with a glass of water and handed it to me "Drink it slow Nu"He said rubbing my back . I quickly drank of the liquid,letting the water moisten my dry throat and finally croaked out " Thank you Nat."I placed the water on the table up front and wrapped my arms around my best friend Natasit.

I don't know what I would do without this boy. I love him so much. He is the only person I feel comfortable with.I met Nat during junior year of High school he was recently transferred due to all the bullying in his previous school. He would get beaten daily for being small and  gay. 

The bullying didn't stop even when he transferred to my school. I saw him one day eating lunch alone outside and he was covered in bruises and it reminded me of myself. The next day I got into a pretty bad fight causing me to get suspended from school but it was worth it. Those boys left Nat alone and we have become really close since then.

"How do you feel about NuNew? '' Nat asked me with worry filled in his voice.I tried to smile slightly at him and tell him I was okay but to no avail,I just nodded. " You should go to the doctor, this nightmare is causing you to lose a lot of sleep," He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. " The only thing the doctor gives me is sleeping pills and the pills just make things worse, if i take them it's harder for me to wake myself up" I finally say.

He sighs and puts his arms around me again "Thank you for telling me about your nightmare NuNew, I'm gonna try my best to help you" He says hugging me tighter, I smiled against his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him again "Thank you for being here Nat".

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