𝓡𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾[9]

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Zori: Y'all the beginning a bit boring but promise the middle gets excited, Action is not my strongest point but were trying our best woho.


It was around 7:30, and the sky was covered with a blanket full of darkness. I was led to a room backstage. It was small but comfy. There was a light brown couch set in the middle with a glass table in front. There were some snacks set on the table. The room was empty except for all the plants set up around the room.

There was an entrance to the stage set adjacent to the couch.

I was interested in looking around, but all the guards were nerve-wracking, so I decided to sit on the couch and scroll through my phone.

The quietness was soon washed over by muffled chatter as guests began to pile in. I got up and decided to take a slight peek through the stage curtains.

There were many people walking in one by one; they all had expensive suits on; everyone was handsome; the females present wore expensive jewelry adorned around their ears, necks, and hands; everyone was smiling, yet there was an odd tension present.

"Shiaaa, not a single ugly-looking person in here," I mumbled to myself as I adjusted the stage curtains and returned back to the couch.

I began to feel the familiar emotion of anxiety spiking up inside me. I'm usually not this nervous to perform, but I really enjoy it. Music makes my life brighter, but these people all look like important, rich business people. As I was drowning in my own thoughts, a knock tuned me back to reality.

"Come in!" I yelled out.

The door creaked open, and my mouth dropped open. Nat was standing there wearing a gorgeous gray suit, and his hair was neatly combed. " Surprise!" He yelled out nervously, raising his arms mid-air. "Ouii, how come you're here?" I was dumbfounded.

"KxC is invited to the event." He told me, walking over and taking a seat beside me. I looked at him with an O-shaped expression. He laughed at me and asked, "Are you ready to perform in front of my entire company?".

I let out a nervous chuckle and nodded my head. Nat reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. We began chatting about our day, as we always do. Another knock was heard, grabbing our attention.

A stunningly attractive tall young man was standing there. He had a white T-shirt on, a light cream blazer on top, and a white pair of pants. His hair was neatly combed out with slight frizzled bangs. "Sorry, I hope I didn't interrupt anything." He said it softly, followed by a smile.

Nat smiled brightly at him. "Oh, not at all, chay, come in." He gestured at the young man inside, and he wai [Thai greeting ] to me, and I greeted him back.

"This is my best friend, NuNew Chavarin." Nat introduced me, and I gave him a bright smile.

"Porchay Theerapanyakun," he replied, returning the smile. My eyes widen slightly upon hearing his name. I was not prepared to meet a family member of the organizers. Nat looked at me surpassing a laugh, making him sound like a sputtering old faucet.

Porchay looked at Nat, titling his head in confusion. "What are you laughing about?" he asked. Nat just waved his hand, throwing the question aside.

"Are you the one performing tonight?" Chay asked me

I nodded toward him with a half smile.

"Well, Nat tells me you have an amazing voice, so there is no reason for you to worry about anything," he reassures.

"That's quite hard seeing all those people and their clothing styles," I say jokingly. [Maybe I should have dressed better.]

"Just ignore them and focus on your music. I want to see if you can join my company, KxC."

His gaze Zee x NuNew fanficWhere stories live. Discover now