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The sun has just risen, the darkness begins to fade away and the bright rays of the sun illuminate the sky, the perfect blue colors show themselves again. The road is empty except for three large dark green trucks that are all following each other. Everything seems to be going well until a tiny-shiny black ball is thrown into the street " Stop the car ken" Says man on the passenger seat of the front truck the rest of the trucks halt behind him.

"What happened?" Someone asks through the earpiece, all the guards have an earpiece with them to keep in contact.

" Are we here !" someone yells out in joy

" shut up Leo" Says the man in the first truck getting out of the passenger seat .The man named ken follows him out and the rest of the men in the trucks behind them get out slowly and approach the slim man,with a suite on identical to the rest,his hair is pulled back into a ponytail. "What happened Big, why have you all stopped moving?" One of the guards back at headquarters asked through their earpiece .

" Take your guns out and keep your eyes and ears peeled" He orders everyone and they oblige .As Big begins to take steps towards the object thrown up front suddenly many other black balls are thrown out from the forest everyone raises their hands up to their heads to block getting hit and soon the sunny sky is clouded with fog, there's smoke everywhere.

"We have been attacked," Big says through his earpiece, and gunshots begin to burst out in every direction. There is another group of men who jump into the field of smoke,but they seem perfectly fine . 

"I gotcha!" Say's a loud voice followed by the sound of a punch and soon there was the sound of bodies being kicked, punched and gunshots everywhere, some grunting noises , more commands being given "Ah shit" . 

The other group of men begin to back away and run back into the forest . " All of you move your ass's away from this area now! RUN !" screams out Big and they all scatter.

A loud explosion is heard through the area, the force of it makes the ground shake, scorching fire begins to spread around. "Oh fuck, what the hell just happned?" Ken says in frustration running his hands through his hair . "Is everyone okay? What happened?" Arm asks through the earpiece sounding frantic " Leo's been shot in the arm, so he should be okay" Says one of the guards kneeling down next to the boy with bright orange hair .

"I'm calling Mr.Zee" Big says getting his phone out "And apply pressure to Leos wound " He adds


Big: Sah wah dee khrap Boss [hello]

Zee: What happened Big?

Big: Our weapon transportation route was leaked. We have been attacked and they have just bombed all our trucks.

Zee: How the fuck did that happen, Have you informed Kimhan yet? He was in charge of this transport .

Big:Not yet Sir,But I will call him know

Zee:No need , I'll inform him. I'll send P'Kinn and P'Porsche to inspect the site,and a medical team.

Big: Khorb Khun Krup [thank you]



I opened my eyes to find myself asleep on the couch. Nat was still next to me, I am so happy to have this boy in my life. I slowly get up making sure to not wake up Nat and head to my bedroom.

"I need a shower I smell disgusting" I gag at myself sniffing my white plain T-shirt , the nightmare from last night had me drenched in sweat. I walked towards my closet and grabbed a clean gray T-shirt and some comfy pair of gray pants and headed to the bathroom. I step inside the shower and let the water hit onto sticky skin, Instantly I feel relief swimming through me. After my shower I step out of the bathroom and smell a sweet aroma filling the air.

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