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I never thought dying would feel so painful. I wasn't dying though. The bullet went straight through my shoulder. I heard no sound of it coming out of my body. In fact, I heard no sound at all. Everything around me felt fuzzy. A needle -sharp bolt sensation spread through my shoulder, making its way through my body. My legs became numb. I fell to my knees. I didn't cry out in agony. I couldn't get any sound out of my throat. My hand reached for my shoulder, and I felt cold blood soaking through my sleeves.

I saw a fuzzy figure walking towards me. He placed something down in front of me and walked away. "Take the bullet out and bandage yourself up." A loud voice echoed through the speakers in the room.

I remove my hand from my wound and reach with a shaky hand for the tools set in front. I can't see properly; my vision is failing me. I grab what feels like a sharp knife, somehow manage to cut through my shirt and lacerate into my skin, the cold blade smoothly gliding along on my heated skin. Sharp jolts of pain rings through my body. I somehow manage to remove the bullet and put a white plaster around the wound.

I hear, or at least I think I heard, a voice. Black spots have begun to blur my vision, and I felt cold hands grab onto me as I was engulfed in darkness.

shadow guards are the most elite group bodyguards in the mafia; their training is intense; they are being built as human shields to guard the top mafia leaders; their robots have no emotion or pain; their loyalty lies with the leader; their loyal dogs raised to serve their owners; shadow guards lurk in the darkness; they observe everything; their skills are extraordinary; they sound like super humans.

"It was cold", my fingers felt numb, there was a woman, she was beautiful, her long black hair flew elegantly against the wind, she had a white dress on, it matched the snow color, I walked closer to here, the wind blew more harshly, her face was obscured by her long hair, I get closer to her, closing the distance, reaching my small hand forward, I grab onto her dress and blood, lots of blood seeping out of her body, soaking through her clothes, the snow painting itself red, 

I inhale sharply, my lungs hurt, I let go of her dress and tumble backwards, the pool of blood melting the snow, my eyes widening in horror, I look up to meet her face, the wind still slamming her black hair across her face, I only get a glimpse of her eyes, lifeless, bloodshot red, she's staring directly at me, she moves forward, her footsteps being carved into the snow. I try to move backwards, but my body is glued to the snow. "Z," her lips spell out; no words come out; she reaches a hand forward; and I am brought back.

I tear open my eyes, my body burning, soaking with sweat, and my breathing unsteady.

"Whoa, whoa, lay down," a voice says to me. I feel two hands on my chest pushing me down. I turn my head slightly and notice a tall man standing near my bed; he seems to be bandaging my wound up professionally. "You got a fever; I don't know what they were thinking, throwing you in here and not giving proper medical  attention after that shit," he spat out angrily.

I hiss out in pain, he apologizes and tells me to lift my left shoulder, he wraps my wound up in white new bandages, and he begins to gather up all the tools. I try to thank him, but hes already leaving the room. I groan out loud and run my hand through my face. I hear footsteps entering the room.

"I'm Max Rujeerattanavorapan. Nice to meet you, roommate." he pauses and walks over to the other bed laid out on the right side of the room and takes a seat on the edge. He sighs and looks back at me. "Though I wish we had met in better conditions," a half smile forming on his face, he lays down his arms behind his head.

"I'm Zee," I say, not bothering to tell him my full name; either he knows who I am or doesn't, I would be happier if he didn't.

"So the adoptive son of the Theerapanykun? You know Korn put in the order to have you get shot on your first day? It's not even part of the training to be shot with a real bullet," he tells me. I don't reply to him; I wasn't trying to be rude, but my body was exhausted, and I was too tired to talk or keep my eyes open.

——————————present time————————————————————————————————


Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Hwan."I stand up, applauds fill the room. I reach my hand over the table, and we both shake hands.

Thailand has been working on creating connections with South Korea's mafia groups, the Hwan Group, to be more specific; they are the most feared, and their weaponry supply services are top-tier. This is one of the best achievements we have made so far since Korn's death, and we have been working on re-establishing connections with other groups.

I thank Mr.Hwan for coming to meet with us, and I let him know arrangements for his family and guards for their stay will be made at our private luxury hotel.He thanks me, and I call over one of our guards to escort Hwan and his group to the hotel.

After the meeting room has been cleared, I give a call to Nuengdiao, informing him that the South Korean group will be arriving soon. His family owns many of the top luxury hotels in Thailand, and he has taken over the business. Trying to create a deal with him was complicated, but I'm glad to have made friends with his boyfriend Palm; he is one of our best snipers, and thanks to him, we got Nuengdiao to work with us.

After informing him and Palm, I review some paperwork and head out afterwards.

I come out of the meeting room and tell Big to inform everyone that the meeting was a success. He bows and heads off to make some calls. I make my way downstairs. Kinn is waiting for me near the door.

 He waves as he sees me approaching.I'm guessing it all went well.?" He asks me, smiling"Yes," I reply, returning his smile. We make our way towards the car parked in front, and the guard with bright orange hair opens the door for us. 

"How's your arm, Leo?" Kinn asks, pointing at his arm, "I don't need a cast anymore, but some physical therapy was suggested, but I should be able to drive." He says, smiling brightly. We both get inside the car. He closes the door and makes his way towards the driver seat.

I never understood that kid. He is one of the younger guards we have here, and his skills are immaculate. No matter how childish Leo may seem, he gets the job done. I admire his personality, which is always filled with enthusiasm.

" Pentagon will be cleared off today and tomorrow fully," Kinn informs me. I reply with a nod. Kinn leaves halfway through the drive; he has to handle some business with Max regarding the racing tracks. I bid him goodbye, and we continue making our way towards the bar.

Pentagon Bar, the most famous bar in Thailand, owned by Theerapanyakun, opened a few years ago and is already very well known in Thailand and internationally. I think it's the best thing I've ever designed. We planned to host an event at Pentagon Bar whenever we created a successful connection with another mafia group. To make things more peaceful-looking, Vegas thought it was a stupid idea, but Kim saw some benefits, and we got it approved.


Zora : Zee and NuNew meeting next chapter ??? Maybe ?? 

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