𝓹𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻[ 4]

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It was cold, the sky covered in a dark blanket, the only source of light in the sky was the glowing moon, most of the streetlights had been smashed, and tiny pieces of glass scattered around the road. I could hear the crunch sound every step I took.

I could feel the presence of someone behind me; I knew I was being followed; there were goosebumps all over my body; I managed to keep my composure; I continued walking at a steady pace; I didn't bother to run as it would only alert my followers; I'm trying to escape; I smelled of rotten blood; my white shirt had specks of blood splattered on it; and my hands were painted red. 

But it wasn't my blood.

I could hear the footsteps behind me getting closer and heavier. I estimated there was more than one person following me. I began sprinting at full speed; I didn't turn back; I just ran my legs pumping me through the empty roads. Apart from some sleeping beggars in the corners, there was no one else.

My breathing became unsteady, I was still a long way from home, I could feel my chest burning up, my throat becoming desert dry, and the side of my stomach began to throb in pain. I kept running too scared to stop, I lowered my head, closing my eyes, and pushing my legs to keep moving. I only stopped when I bumped into someone, making me fall back onto the hard concrete.

"Watch it, kid." A harsh voice said, stumbling away.

I was still on the ground, trying to inhale all the oxygen around me. I needed water. I tried to use my spit to hydrate my dry mouth; it worked slightly, but I still needed water. I got myself up and decided to turn around.

There was no one; was I imagining it all?. I convinced myself I just felt paranoid,but deep down I knew I was being followed. I walk faster this time; my legs ache from all that running, and my side is still hammering in pain.

I take a turn, and as I begin to approach my house, I stop midway, my eyes widen in horror, my breath is caught in my throat, I swallow hard, and I take a step forward. It feels as if a large rock is tied to my foot.

Exhale,I tell myself.

I noticed the front door was open. There was an onyx-colored car parked in front of my house and a red motorcycle. There were two men in suits standing outside my house, each holding a gun in their hand. When they noticed me approaching, they placed their guns in the back of their pockets and said something into their earpieces.

"Come on, kid." One of the men says, gesturing his hand towards me. I swallow hard, my mouth completely dry. I walk inside my house, and everything has been flipped upside down. There's broken furniture, glass covering the floor, and the TV has a big crack in the middle. Im looking around my asunder living room. When I catch my father's eye, bloodshot, filled with rage, he's screaming inaudible words towards me. His mouth has been gagged with a white cloth that's slowly staining with blood. His whole body is wrapped around with ropes. He's lying in the corner, wiggling around, screaming.

"Sorry about that kid, but he was giving us a very hard time," someone calls out from behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I can feel the hairs on my back rising, and his voice scares me.

"Hopefully there wasn't anything important to you in this dump." Another voice says, I turn my head to the side and notice a handsome man sitting with his legs crossed on the ripped couch. He has piercing black eyes, thick shaped eyebrows, he's wearing a neat dark red suit, and he's staring at me with a smile.

Had he been there this whole time?

I tear my gaze away from him and turn back to look at my father, still struggling on the ground. I almost feel guilty for not caring about his condition. I feel guilty that seeing him beaten up and tied in this vulnerable state brings me relief. I am a horrible son, am I not?.

His gaze Zee x NuNew fanficWhere stories live. Discover now