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I was treated nicely by everyone here; I was given my own bedroom; I met with the other family members; I learned that Kinn was married to the guy named Porsche; Tankhun was the oldest son, and he is known as the crazy wild guy. I like him a lot; he may be annoying, but his energy brings others into a better mood. I met Kimhan again during a meeting set up by the family.

Kimhan is dating Porchay, Porsche's younger brother. I like Chay; he's sweet; Kim doesn't like to get involved with the family; he stays far away from everyone; but he does anything Chay asks him.

I met Vegas and Pete Therrapanyakun. Pete, I learned, was a former guard of this house; he was the head guard for P'Khun. Vegas is scary; he has a weird personality, but he seems like a good boyfriend and big brother. Macau is Vegas' only brother. He has zero involvement with the mafia, but he does have good-fighting skills.

During that meeting, I also learned the dislike everyone has for Korn; there was heavy tension in the room when he arrived.

That same night, I learned about the event that occurred between the major and minor families. The night Korn shot his own brother. There were still many unsolved mysteries to the event.

After two weeks of adjusting, I began my training. I was told Kimhan would train me for half of the time and I would join shadow guards afterwards. I learned about the family business, everything they do, and their purpose for it.

I learned about their family's private life from P'Khun. He would send his guards Pol and Arm every night after my study session was over and have me watch a series with him, and he would tell me all the issues with his crazy family. As he states, "crazy."

After learning about the business and how it worked, I began combat training during the second week. Kimhan arrived at my room at 4:30 in the morning. I was a little surprised to see him there. He told me to get dressed and come downstairs.

I would be waking up at 4:30 in the morning for a few years after that.

During our first training session, Kim took me to his own studio, where I learned from Chay that Kim was a musician and Chay was working to become one. They were working on opening an entertainment company called KXC Entertainment.

It would become one of the legal mafia businesses and a place for them to round up more guards.

During my first training session, Kim made me do a few stretches at first and some jogging. He didn't do anything tough like I had expected. I was told by Vegas that Kim's training would leave me drained.

Kim showed me a trick that day. He showed me how to unlock any locked object using another sharp object. "This is a trick all the Theerapanyakun children know." He told me

Kim told me to be up before he arrived at 4:30. He won't be able to train me if he has to come and wake up like that.

The second day was more tough. We began with stretching, then swimming. He showed me how to untie myself underwater; I almost drowned; we did combat practice; I was good at hand combat; and I had to learn to fight in order to survive in my neighborhood.

After combat, he would make me run, then do boxing, and then so on; I was completely exhausted. I guess Vegas was right; my body was completely drained, my legs hurt so badly, and Kim had told me if I fell behind, I would have to do extra training at the end.

He taught me how to shoot a gun, how to understand people's body language, how to bring fear into people's hearts, and much more.

Without realizing it, our time together was coming to an end. Kim had trained me in preparation for shadow guard training. I had grown taller over time, my muscles had become more toned, and I was a lot healthier, stronger, and more confident.

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