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The shining sun is masked with a thin layer of cloud, the little rays of sunlight dies out ,the room darkens itself ,a gentle breeze whisped through the trees. " The weather seems to follow my mood" A raspy voice hums out from the dim room. A tall figure wearing a neat purple suite is standing near the glass window staring afar.

A knock is heard from the front "come in'' replies the tall figure . A buff looking guy wearing a typical black suit enters his office " Khun Zee, the medical unit and Mr.Kinn and Mr.Porsche have arrived at the explosion site" He informs bowing his head down, Zee takes in the man words without turning around he nods and that's the signal for the man in the suite to leave. Zee walks towards the chair in front of his desk and grabs his phone and dials a number.


Zee: P'kim where have you been ?

Kim: You know I have better things to do ?

Zee: P'kim our weapon transport route was leaked, You said you would take care of this transport and make sure the route they were taking is completely safe and deserted.

Kim : {sighs} I don't know who attacked our unit or how they got the information, my only guess is we have a spy zee.

Zee: That shouldn't be possible this transport was only known by our inner faction and those guards are most trusted men , You know that P'Kim "

Kim: Look ...I-

Zee: You need to focus more on the mafia world work P Kim I know you dislike the mafia and don't get yourself involved unless it's something urgent or anyone from the family is in danger . But please try to help me out with stuff like this. You know I've only been the leader for 7 months.

Kim: Zee I know it's not easy task to be in charge of the top mafia groups of Thailand and even though you have the help of my brother and his husband and my cousin [though he doesn't do much], things still get out of hand, but I gave you the position because I trust you and I know you're capable of it ....... So stop whining over one mistake.

Zee; Excuse you , I am not whining , we just lost a lot of money on those weapons.

Kim: We can always buy more, now please stop talking to me about such a useless matter. Unlike you Mr:Zee I actually have someone who needs attention from me.

Zee: Okay okay I'll stop disturbing you with your lover P'Kim , but today we have a family meeting, bring Chay .

P'Kim : Gotcha boss.



The meeting with my uncle went pretty well, I'm glad I didn't have a full blown panic attack.

As I stepped out of the building it was already evening, the blue sky was masked with thick gray clouds, a gentle breeze wisped through my hair making it slightly disheveled.

I heard a car honking and looked towards the side to notice Nat had already arrived, earlier than expected. I waved to him with a big smile on my face " come on get in, I think it's gonna rain soon " He said motioning me to get inside, he handed me a folded white t-shirt " Oh thanks I almost forgot I had afternoon classes" I said rubbing my head. I placed the shirt onto the seat next to me and changed out of the tux and put the university uniform on. It didn't exactly look so nice with the gray pants I had on but I didn't have any time to head back home.

" Do you have any classes today?" I questioned Nat who had begun driving towards our university .

"No they got canceled today , and that's good I got a photoshoot to attend , for Angel clothes brand" Nat replied keeping his eyes on the road

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