Chapter 14

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*Chapter 14*

"I hurt all over! Lily whines."

"I was told that's normal, not that I would know."

"Okay, what do I really look like, give me details."

"Reddish/Black fur-like your hair- silver eyes, and you're a little bigger than a normal werewolf."

"wish I had a mirrior."

"well, there's a lake over there, but you should wait awhile until you try to move."

"wouldn't even dare."

I walked over to the lake and took a drink, wondering where we should go first. North, South, East, or West? Somewhere there's a lot of woods, so either south or west. There are more woods towards the south, but too dangerous for Lily right now so West towards California.


"Lily?" I walk towards her. "Lily!" I called louder. All of a sudden I hear this thunderous snore. Oh thank god! I thought something had went wrong. I think I'll choke her for that in the morning, but for now it's time to wake up. I crouched a few feet away from Lily's six, and then I pounced and landed right behind her and gave a thundreous growl. I burst out laughing as Lily jumps nearly ten feet in the air.

"Damit Eden you scared the piss out of me!"

"Serves you right, I chuckled."

"What did I do?"

"Whatever, so why the wake up call? Lily yawned widely."

"Time to teach you some basics or you'll be just like a newborn pup or worse."

"What's worse than that?"

"You could be like Nick."

"Good point;, what's first?"

"First up, standing. so get up." Lily puts out her front left paw then her right, next her back left and right.

"Look I'm doing it!"

"Yeah? Well then, show me you can walk." She took one step and face planted into the dirt. "Ow."

"Try again one paw in front of ther other"

"Okay. Try number two." Getting back up she takes a few steps befor she falls on her rump. "Ugh, how do you do this!?"

"Third times the charm try to think of it as crawling on your hands and knees."

"OMG, I think I'm doing it!" She walks, slightly wobbly, but she was doing it. "Good now try running to the tree and back." It takes a couple of tries, but she quickly gets the hang of running."Great, let's see, standing, walkin, running, and I think that's good for now. The other stuff I can teach you along the way."

"So where are we going? Lily asks."

"To California, where we'll go south and around and back, and then across to other countries."

"California! Sweet!"

"Alright were going to take a nap and then we'll be on our way."


In the morning, Lily and I left for my house. "Okay, so we'll go get my things and my car and then we'll go get your stuff and be on our way."

"Tell everybody I'm on my way ~! Lily sang." Well it sounded more like whining out loud. Reaching my house, we go through the back and up to my room. "Shift back and take a shower, I'll be putting my stuff in the car."

"What am I going to wear?"

"What you had on yesterday."

"Um eww?"

"Yeah say that now, but you never know when you'll have to do it again so you should get used to it. Besides clothes will be a precious thing once you start ripping through most of them with some shifts." Lily's eyes widen and takes a step back. "No! The precious!"

"You are offically an idiot. I laugh." I hear Lily take a gasp of breath after she enter's the bathroom. I quickly turn around and ask, " Are you alright Lily?" I open the door and she looks at me. "I'm bringing sexy back." She turns and looks at the mirror. Irritated, I slap her in the back of the head. "Ow!"


"Why'd you hit me, Lily asked." We were on our way to her house. "I hit you because of because, now go get your things. Lily came out with all her bags and my eyes widen. I quickly looked around and got out to help her. "I did't really need help Eden, but thanks!"

"That is not why I got out of the car! I whispered/yelled."


"Do you remember when I said not to show humans your strength!"

"OOOHH. Er, oops?"

"Haaah, I sighed. Just don't do that if front of humans okay?"

"Sir yes, sir!" With that we were on our way to California from Illinois.

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