Chapter 7

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*Chapter Seven*


Kill me.

Kill me now.

If this isn’t about the worst day of my life I don’t now what is! Oh you want to know why I’d rather be dead right now. Well it’s all because my alpha told me I have to teach his rat ass of a son how to fight. I do however have to admit that his son sucks at fighting because he hasn’t beaten me once. I mean who’s that sorry?

I crawled out of bed dreading today’s activities. Could the wolf spirits have it out for me or something? After getting dressed I slowly walked to the kitchen praying that by the time I got there the alpha would change his mind, or better yet Nick would have ran away because he couldn’t face the shame.

Unfortunately for me though, that was never going to happen seeing as the alpha didn’t call me nor did Nick decided to leave the house today. Why me? What did I do to deserve such treatment? Was it because I held my tongue about being able to shift? Who knows?

 I grabbed a granola bar for breakfast because I wasn’t feeling like cereal today. That would involve me choosing a cereal, getting milk, bowl, spoon, and after clean my bowl. I was feeling a little too sour and lazy for all that right now.

I went into the backyard to wait for Nick to bring his sorry ass, but I doubt he would be coming. I waited for fifteen minutes before he decided to bring his lard ass to train. He had a sour expression on his face like he was the one suffering here.

We just stared at each other, both of us not wanting to be here or near each other for longer than need be. I decided to be the bigger wolf (pun totally intended) and get this over with so I could get on with my life.

“Okay I want you to start by running 20 laps around the house.”

“I don’t have to listen to you cream puff!” He said with a snarl. I looked at him like he was the world’s stupidest person in the history of stupid people.

“Did you not here your father the other day? I can tell you to do whatever I want or do you want your father to know about this?” He gave me a deathly glare, but it didn’t faze me one bit.

“Well get started!” I said with a sneer. He started walking off around the house.

“I said laps! That means running not walking!” He started to run. With a big grin on my face, I recalled the advice I was told by Lily. I think I’m going to enjoy this.

* * *

After he was done with his laps I told him to do some push-ups, then sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Oh man was I enjoying this! I couldn’t get the smile off my face – just like Nick couldn’t get the scowl off his. Hmm, what to have him do next? Well let’s try to do my job for once why don’t I.

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