Chapter 15

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*Chapter 15*

"I'm hungry! Why am I so hungry?" Lily asks.

"You're hungry because your a werewolf that why." I replied.

"Then can we get something to eat? My stomach is going to eat me alive and I just brought sexy back!"

Shaking my head, "what do you want to eat then?"

"Meat!"She shouted. That gave me an idea, because I did say I had to teach her other things along the way. Here was a good opportunity to teach her the basics of hunting. "Fine let's go hunting."

"Hunting? Like ducks, quails, and bears?"

"Yea, but we'll be hunting for deer."

"So what does it taste like?"

"I can't really describe it to you, but just think of the most juiciest meat you've ever had times ten and that would be what deer taste like for werewolves."

"Ew, I'm slobbering all over my shirt!" Lily whined. I began to laugh, while looking around for a good place to stop. We happened to be in Missouri, heading towards Kansas. We decided to take as many back roads as we could, so we could be near any forest. Thankfully we haven't run into any packs yet. Noticing a public forest peserve, I pulled into the parking lot.

Lily and I got out of the car when a employee - I assume - walked up to us.

"Hi there! Welcome to the forest perserve! We have guided tours and animal friendly camping sites, would you like any help with either?"

"No thank you, I know this forest really well." I replied.

"How would you-?" I stepped on Lily's foot.

"Ow!" She muttered. I mind linked her,"We're werewolves so shush." She just growled under her breath and went wide eyed. I snickered,"aww, your first growl!" She frowned and hit me. I ignored her and turned my attention back to the employee.

"We're good, thank you though." Lily followed me into the woods, and we continued to walk until I couldn't smell any humans.

"Well, here we are, strip, shift, and sit."

"Try saying that three times fast." Lily laughed.

"Just shiht already." I turned around and got undressed myself and began the shift. After, I turned around and saw Lily grinnning in wolf form.

"I did it! I finally did it all by myself!"

"Good, your getting faster at doing it too." Her tail wagged in glee. "Alright, let's get started. Tell me what you smell."

"Leaves and grass."

"No Duh. Breath in a little deeper and think about the different scents, let your wolf clue you into what it is your smelling." Lily's wolf was named Rose. Ha Ha the lunar goddess has jokes. I told Lily to use my wolf's real name instead of Celeste. Even though it was a nice name, Eve liked her own.

I remember when Rose first spoke to Lily, it was when Lily finally got the hang of running - not really- and said," I am so the best at this!" She told me that her wolf said 'hardly', and she went crashig face first into dirt she was just running on.

"I smell bird, squirells, other animals, and poop."

"I didn't need to know about the poop, but anyway, you should be smelling the musk of deer. A little sweet and leafy like the food they eat."

"I do."

"Ok then, what direction is the smell coming from?"

"Um, over there?" she turned to the right.

"And why is the smell coming from that direction?"

"Hmm, because of the wind!" She grinned.

"Good. Alright now that we know where the food is, we have to teach you how to be quiet."

"Am I not the most queit person you've ever met?"

"Yes, as a human, with your mouth, but when you walk, or when your in wolf form, your as loud as s sonic boom."

"Ah, rude much!" She gasped.

"Loud much?" I retorted.

"touche'" We began whith her trying to sneek up on me. Of course i heard her everytime, but I just needed her to be quiet enough so the deer wouldn't hear her. We keep going like that for about ten minutes, so it was mostly decent. And then we began the hunt.

"A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go, high hoe the diggity oh, a hunting we will go!" Lily sang in the link.

"If she doesn't shut up I'll make her." My wolf volunteered."

"Shut up Lily!" I yelled to her. She stopped.

"Ssh, I'm hunting deer."



"Eve will kill you."

"FIne." she quieted again.

"Meat, meat, meat. Deer, deer, deer. Doe, a deer, a female deer."


"Wha- did you just call me donkey?"

"Yes you're just like donkey from Shrek, and that will be your name from now on if you don't stop it!"

"Fiiiinnnee." Finally! I thought.

"So, do wolves have layers.?" That was it! I tackled Lily.

"If you say one more word, you won't be getting any meat." Lily didn't say anything else that hunt.

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