Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After hours of hunting, Lily finally caught her own meal. I had caught and eaten mine a few hours ago. I didn't share because she had to learn how to catch her own food.

"Took you long enough."

"It's because you never helped me."

"Then you'd never learn."

"Fine I can admit that at least. So what are we doing after I finish?"

"We can either sleep here for the night or we can drive in the moonlight."

"I don't want to do either of those things. I'll die if i stay sitting in that car any longer and I'm not comfortable sleep outdoors on nothing."

"How about we go run for a bit and then get back on the rode. Will that help with your restlessness for awhile?"

"Yay! Let's do that." We ran for a few miles until Lily began to tire. On or way out of the forest, Lily asked, "So how exactly are we going to be looking for our mates? Are we just going to vist every place in a state? I don't think that's a well thought out plan."

"No, were going to visit every pack in every state. There's a lot less packs then there are places in a state."

"Hmm, better than my idea."

"You had one? What was it?"

"To send out the mate signal." I turned around and started walking towards the car. I'm just going to ingnore that she said anything at all.


"Nothing just get in the car." There were six werewolf packs in the states that had forests all over and at least one in the states that barely had any. In Missouri there were six, so we where headed for the first one and we would reach it by breakfeast time tomorrow morning. Seeing as it was still my turn to drive Lily decided to take a nap. It would be her turn for the next two days.


We were coming up to a pack territory, so I parked my car,or tried to,inside the tree line. Lily was still asleep, so I woke her up and headed for the pack territory border. Lily and I stood right there until a patrol wolf had spotted us.

"State your business."

"We've come in search of our mates." He pauses for a second, most likely contacting his alpha.

"Follow me."

"Lily, when we get in here, let me do all the talking and do not look any alpha in the eye."

"What if I'm talked to?"

"Then answer the question, otherwise don't say anything. I haven't taught you all the rules, so I don't want you accidentally saying something offensive."


We follow the wolf to their pack house. We were going to go and introduce ourselves to the alpha. Walking out of the woods and on to the steps of the pack house, another werewolf opened the door.

"I'll take if from here Mark." The wolf that escorted us to the house, turned around and dashed back to his post at the territory border. The man who opened the door, turned and started walking up the stairs. Getting the hint, Lily and I began to follow him.

It was a nice house, similar to our pack with it's three story mansion of a pack house. This must be one of the bigger poplulation of werewolf pack's in this state. We came on a door that was clearly compunsation gor something.

"Why the hell is the door so big?"

"Don't ask me."

"Is this normal?"

"Well he's obvioulsy compensating for something."

"Oh, like his..." The wolf knocked on the door and a quick 'come in' responded soon after. We opened the door to the an alpha with his head down to some paper work. Eva growlled. He dare ignore us! Calm down Eva he doesn't know that we are alphas and as a matter of fact neither does Lily and for now, I would like to keep it that way.

Looking up from his paper, "I hear you here to search for your mates."

"That is correct."

"Well the mating ritual already happened in this pack and everyone has already found their mate."

"Then why the hell invite us in if this was the case you could have told us that from outside the territory!" Lily screamed in the link.

"All except for" The alpha stood up from his chair. And he got shorter. He was probably all of 4ft 6in. I heard Lily cough next to me, which was clearly covering a snicker. I stepped on her foot.

"Ow!" She look at me like I was crazy and I glared at her from the corner of my eye. Her eyes widen and her head went down. The alpha stepped up to us clearly not hearing Lily's snicker under her cough, thank goodness. He smelled Lily first and I could hear her intake of breath. I could tell that Rose thought this Alpha was a joke, not just because of his stature, but that he was clearly compenating for it. And I for a fact knew that was a turn off for Lily as well.

Lily told me once that she wouldn't mind dating someone shorter than her, but she wanted him to own it. To know he was short and be able to pull off what tall men could and what they thought he couldn't. And this Alpha clearly wasn't that short man.

The Alpha past up Lily and her expelling breath. He stood in front of me next and gave me a deep whiff. He his eyebrows furrowed.

"Neither of you are my mate, thank god." Lily's mouth visably dropped. My eye's widen at the disrespect."

"You may leave."

"Let's go Lily." We quickly left the house and pack territory.

"Thank God! Thank God!!!" Lily shouted when we reached our car. "More like 'Thank God' you weren't 'My Mate'!!! "I knew it, he's compensating for his intelligence!

I shook my head, while we got in the car and started our drive to the next pack.

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