Chapter 1

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*Chapter One*



My name is Eden Shore. I am a werewolf. When I was born, I was born in my wolf form on the very first day of my life. It was rare. Actually, to be truthful, that never happened. Why did it happen to me? I was born during an excursion. Well, more like an escape. It was during a war. My father and mother decided to shift and make a run for the shelter. The shelter was for the woman and children to stay at while the men fought. All the women and children where running for the shelter, but I guess the stress was too much for my mom while she was pregnant with me. They just made it to the shelter when my mother went into labor. As you would have guess, she was too weak to change or couldn’t. You could have also guessed that because she was in her wolf form, I was too. I mean I couldn’t very well come as a human from a wolf now could I? That would be weird within itself. I was born that day at the shelter.


Later, after the fight, the pack came back. There wasn’t anyone dead, our pack was strong. Before you start to think it, I will stop you now; my father and mother are not the alpha couple.  We were low in the pack, but not so low that we were discriminated. Just regular pack members. So when the alpha came to the shelter and wondered what all the commotion was, he - well everyone – was surprised at what they saw. I was a pup. Like any other wolf pup I was blind and deaf the whole shebang.

“What is going on here?” The alpha asked.

“Well sir, my wife gave birth.” My father answered.

“She gave birth in wolf form? Is the pup a wolf too?”

“Yes. I don’t know if the pup will change back into a baby or stay a wolf until it is of shifting age.”

“Is the pup going to make it? I’ve never seen a werewolf born as a wolf already.”

“I don’t know. It’s kind of funny though, a werewolf being born as a wolf. Another peculiar thing was that the pup did not whine when it was born. All pups whine right?”

“Where is the pup now?”

“With my wife, she will stay in her wolf form and feed our pup.” They walked over to my mother and looked at me feeding.

“The pup is so small. It will be a weak wolf. Yet I will say my congratulations anyway.”

“Thank you sir, that means a lot to me and my wife.” Little did they know that just because I was small now, didn’t mean big things came in small packages. In my case, in a weird way.

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