Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

It’s been a week since I thought about having my own pack. Nick is wearing 50 pound weights now and I’m wearing 60 because I was able to run the territory six times. Lily isn’t that scared of coming outside anymore, but she’s still weary.

I got out of bed getting ready for school, when I notice the date. In six days was the mate meet. Holy hell I was going to meet my mate in six days. Telling Lily what’s up was the first thing to do. I quickly finished getting ready for school and jump in my jeep to pick up the girl in question.

“Hello Eden!”

“Hey! Guess what!’


“I said guess” I looked at her with impatience.

“Uhm, you kissed Nick!”

“OMG, should I kill you!?!”

While laughing, Lily shakes her head no as I glare at her playfully. “I’m being serious here Lily, guess.”

“Okay fine, did you gain rank in the pack?”

“No, and it’s starting to dawn on me that I’m not going to get the right answer so I’ll tell you myself.”

“Okay, what is it that you wanted me to guess so badly?”

“The mate meet is on Saturday!” We both squealed.

“Omg, you are finally going to meet your mate! He’s probably going to look scrumdiddlyumptious!” I growled at her and she looked at me with wide eyes.

“Sorry wolves are possessive about their mates.”

“It’s okay, I’m sure I would be the same if I meet my soul mate “Lily sighed.


“Hmm, would you like to come to the meet?”

“Is that even aloud?”

“I would have to ask my alpha, but I let you know”

“Okay, let’s go we’ll be late for school if we sit here talking about boys any longer.”


After school and taking Lily home, I went to the alpha’s office to ask if Lily could come to the meet. I knocked on the door and waited to be allowed to enter. Receiving the go ahead, I enter Victor’s (the alpha) office.

“Hello Eden, what is it that you need?”

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