Chapter 1

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"I don't understand why I am the one that has to do these errands anyway," said a short black haired Bartholomew Nelson as he stepped out onto the porch where his best friend, Charlotte Cole was waiting. "I mean shouldn't someone else who is a little bit older take care of this boring stuff? Or maybe someone who cares a little more? I'd rather be over at Mrs. Appleton's taste testing those pies!" Charlotte rolled her eyes as Bart sat down next to her.

"You know," she started. "You complain about running these errands for your mom every year when the festival comes around, yet I don't think we ever actually do them." Bart stuck his finger to his mouth to gesture for Charlotte to not be so loud. He glanced back in the house to see if his mom was still in the kitchen.

"Regardless," he said after seeing the coast was clear. "I don't even really like this festival, so I shouldn't be involved." Bart did indeed hate the festival because not only did he have to help his mother with everything, but it always overlapped with his birthday. The festival was the biggest attraction in town, and it happened once a year in the summer. Bart's birthday was tomorrow so for him, this festival was nothing but a buzz kill.

"You're involved because the whole occasion is run by your family, duh. Don't you think because your mom controls everything that you need to help a little bit?" Bart looked at Charlotte knowing she was right, but he didn't want to admit it. He stood up and started walking towards the fence with Charlotte following.

"Well either way, it's boring," Bart finally said when they were far enough away from the house and out on the sidewalk. "I hope my mom doesn't think I'm staying around here to take over for her. When that time comes, I'm going to be long gone." Charlotte laughed sarcastically.

"What makes you think you can possibly just up and leave Dorman Falls and not run the festival?" she asked. "You'd be the first in your entire family to do that. No way you're leaving. You're destined to be the ruler of festivals one day," she said with a laugh. Bart smirked and tossed his head back as if to say yeah right. Destiny was supposed to be something that you looked forward to, something exciting. The way Charlotte used it was not how he wanted to hear it. It didn't matter, though. Charlotte was right. The Nelson family had been running this festival since it was first created by Alvin B. Colville and his cousin, Richard Hans Nelson. Since its inception, the Nelson family has passed down the responsibilities of running the event generation after generation until now, Anna Nelson runs it. She has been for fifteen years, and she has taken it far and above expectations and previous heights. For Bart to bail on his duty as the so called "CEO" of the festival would not only be a family issue but a Dorman Falls issue because living up to the new expectations that have been set by his mom is nothing a non-family member could do.

"Trust me, I won't be here when the time comes, Char," Bart said as the two friends rounded a corner. Across the street kids were playing tag, and nearby a group of blonde girls were sitting on a bench talking and giggling.

"Why don't you tell that to Stacey," Charlotte said, nodding over at the girls on the bench. Stacey Artsy was sitting in the middle of the two other girls with make-up riddled faces, bright dresses, high heels, and pink finger nails. Bart knew that Charlotte and Stacey didn't get along. A while back something happened between them and they hadn't spoken since. Bart always assumed it was because Stacey had changed one summer. She left to visit her Aunt in Miami. When she left, she was a fun loving, adventurous girl, just like Charlotte but when she came back she was a stuck up, materialistic Barbie doll. Stacey no longer enjoyed the adventurous life. She was more into makeup and designer fashion. Charlotte hated things like that and the rest became history.

"I don't know why you keep thinking I'm going to end up with her," Bart said as he looked over at Stacey. "We dated when she wasn't completely crazy. She's changed now, and she would drive me nuts." Bart didn't want Stacey to catch a glimpse of him so he hurried Charlotte around the next corner and down the street.

Bartholomew Nelson and the World of Zathya: The Prince and The HeirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora