Chapter 7

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The next few weeks passed by fast. The mornings started at 9 a.m., filled with delicious breakfasts and some rest before the 11 o'clock training session. That lasted for about two hours, which was followed by lunch and more rest until about 3 p.m. when they went back to training. The afternoon training session was much more strenuous, as it lasted for four hours before they had dinner and some relaxation before a final hour of training from 9 to 10. At 10 p.m. they finally went inside, showered, and relaxed before bed, only to wake up and repeat the process again in the morning. This training lasted for one month, and Bart had nearly forgotten his anger, but he hadn't forgotten his mother. His goal to get back to his mother was still weighing heavy on his mind, and it gave him the strength to keep pushing. He was getting better at wielding, and that was helping him stay sane. Finally, after such a long time, the decision was made that Bart and Charlotte were skilled enough to survive and make it to Zathya. They had started with the elements and moved from air, to water, to earth but they never moved to fire. Victoria and Jonah had agreed that fire was too unpredictable and that they weren't ready to handle it. Bart was happy to hear that they were finally ready to go, but he was also a little nervous. According to Victoria, Demetrius was working under the assumption that Mafortian and his men would think Bart was already at the Kingdom by now, but that was only an assumption. If Demetrius were proved to be wrong, they would be lying in wait for Bart to show his face.

"You can never be too careful," Jonah said when they gathered the night before their planned departure. "If they are waiting for us we need to have a plan." Victoria nodded in agreement.

"The plan is simple," she said. "We stick together no matter what and in the case we must fight, we protect the two children." Bart shook his head against the plan.

"I don't like the idea of everyone trying to protect us," he said. "That's how people get killed. Worry about yourselves and we will handle ourselves. You won't be as effective if you are worrying about us the whole time." Charlotte didn't like the sound of what Bart was saying but she seemed to agree with him. Victoria and Jonah on the other hand did not.

"He's right," Charlotte said. "As much as I hate to admit it, if you don't focus all your energy into defending yourselves and you worry about Bart and I the whole time, you can get caught off guard. This is not the type of situation where getting caught off guard is a small mistake. It's a fatal one. Besides, what about my dad?" she asked turning to look at him. "He isn't trained either. He needs protection." However Charlotte phrased it, it must've gotten through to Jonah who seemed to change his tone.

"That is true," he said softly.

"Regardless," Victoria said, interrupting Jonah. "Our goal is still to protect Bart and Charlotte. If we must die doing so then we will. Besides, Jonah and I have been training for a much greater amount of time then you two, I'm sure we can handle ourselves better than you think. Your father will be taken care of too. He just is not a priority." Charlotte looked pissed off. Bart understood why. That was her father and in the end if he didn't make it and she did, she would never forgive herself for not protecting him.

"Then I'll protect him myself," Charlotte said. Before Victoria could interject, Charlotte continued. "He's my dad. You can't change my mind." Victoria looked at her for a few seconds, and then let out a sigh.

"Fine. I understand. Now let's all get some good rest because tomorrow morning we leave." Everyone agreed and started to head out except Bart and Victoria. Victoria didn't notice that Bart had stayed and when the room had cleared, she turned and took a seat near the giant picture.

"Did you know my father?" Bart asked, startling Victoria. "I mean well. Did you know him well?" Victoria looked at the large photo and smiled.

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