Chapter 12

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When Bart came through the clearing, he couldn't believe his eyes. The most beautiful enclosed cove was there before him. There was a huge waterfall, crashing down into a calm, small lake. The water was a clear blue and the sun reflected off of it perfectly, making the water sparkle. The grass surrounding the cove was a bright green and the trees were extra tall. Bart couldn't believe he had never seen this place even though he had lived in Dorman Falls his entire life.

"It's beautiful," Charlotte said, standing by the water as birds flew overhead. Jason was off to the side stretching and smiling as he observed the two kids' faces. Bart couldn't believe his eyes or his nose. There was the smell of warm desserts wafting through the air. Bart wasn't sure why it was desserts he smelled, but he was definitely intrigued.

"I've never seen anything like it," Bart continued. "It's amazing."

"Just wait until you see Zathya," Jason said. "I can tell you've never seen the majestic cove before," he laughed. "It's all over your faces but Zathya puts it to shame." Bart just ignored him as he ran up to the water. His reflection was perfectly clear as he stood above it looking down. This was the first time he had looked at himself since the battle at the secret house and he didn't like what he saw. He looked a complete mess. There was dried up blood on his face and his clothes, his shirt and pants had rips all throughout them, his hair was all over the place, and he had a scar on his cheek.

"Wow, looks like I've been through the meat grinder," he said looking away from the pond. It wasn't until now that he noticed how bad Charlotte looked now as well. Even though her hair was messed up and her clothes were a wreck he still saw her natural beauty. Bart had never really noticed how beautiful she was, and it was weird that now, sitting here looking like she had been hit by a tornado, that he recognized it.

"It's crazy how much she looks like her mother," Jason said, startling Bart. He hadn't noticed Jason coming over to him while he was looking at Charlotte. "No worries, I won't say anything," he continued.

"About what?" Bart asked, trying to act innocent. Jason just laughed and patted him on the back.

"Okay," he said loudly. "First things first. What has Victoria taught you about wielding so far?" Charlotte stood up and looked to Bart who was already looking at her. Bart could tell she obviously wanted him to explain what they had learned but he wasn't so confident in his ability to put it in to words.

"Well, um," he started but Jason put his hand up to stop him.

"Don't tell me," he said. Bart looked a little confused. "Show me." Originally Bart was nervous that he wouldn't be able to explain what he had learned. Now he was nervous he would crack under pressure. "Don't worry, I won't be attacking back or judging you or anything. I just want to see what we have to work with." Charlotte and Bart once again looked to the other for any silent advice but both had nothing. Bart shrugged and Charlotte nodded. They turned to face Jason and took their stances. Bart began to clear his mind and focus his body. He could already feel the wind starting to form up around him. He pulled the wind in and then with one great push, he shot it towards Jason. Charlotte swirled around and faced the water and then in one quick motion, spun back towards Jason while bringing her hands up and over her head. Water from the lake shot up and over her and towards Jason at a relatively moderate speed. Bart tried to wield the wind to move faster and faster to try and reach Jason. Right when Bart felt the wind closing in on Jason, Jason motioned his hands and the grass in front of him grew until it was at least ten feet tall. Then, the grass turned into a solid brick wall and shielded Jason from the attack. Bart's hands fell to his side and his mouth hung open in shock. Charlotte just stood there with her eyes wide. Both of them couldn't believe their eyes. Had Jason made a brick wall out of grass?

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