Chapter 26

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"Take Charlotte inside immediately to make sure she is uninjured," Demetrius said. Bart didn't know what to think about the whole situation. He was happy that Charlotte was back, but there were so many things that confused him now. Was Tyreekin being truthful when he said they were cousins? Was Victoria really related to those brothers? Why were they allowed to leave so easily without even really lifting a finger once Demetrius arrived? Was he that powerful? And of course he wanted to know what item the Prince was looking for. Bart once again felt as though he was on the outside looking in, not knowing what was really going on. He was tired of it. They all made their way to a small room nowhere near where Bart's mom was resting. Bart decided to ask Demetrius to spill everything after everyone left the room.

"Demetrius," Bart said.

"Charlotte needs her rest," he said softly, closing the door behind them. "So all of your questions I will answer out here." Bart hadn't realized that Demetrius might have been reading his mind. At least the awkward start to the conversation was avoided.

"Well, yeah," Bart started, a little thrown off. "I just want to know what's going on." Demetrius smiled and patted him on the back.

"Yes," he said lightly. "I assume you do. Walk with me." Bart was starting to realize Demetrius liked walking and talking. The last time Bart had a lot of questions, Demetrius asked him to walk with him. They started down the hallway, which gave Bart a couple of seconds to think about where he wanted to start.

"So was Tyreekin telling the truth?" he asked finally. "About us being cousins?" Demetrius just kept smiling.

"Yes Bart, you and Tyreekin are cousins," he said. Bart felt his chest tighten up. The one guy who has been after him since the beginning of all this was his own cousin, his own blood. He didn't know how to take that. "His father was your father's brother, but the two men could not have been more different. Your father was good and brave, yet his brother was an evil man being led down the wrong path by an even more evil man. A man even more evil than Tyreekin." Bart didn't like the idea of there being a more diabolical enemy out there, but the fact that his father was one of the good guys comforted him a little.

"So why is Tyreekin after me?" Bart asked.

"We still don't know the answer to that question but if I had to guess, your father must've given you something that Tyreekin wants. What he wants it for, I have no clue." Bart frowned when he heard this because he knew better than anyone that his father only gave him one thing and that's this necklace. And it was pretty obvious that the necklace wasn't what Tyreekin was after.

"Yeah well if he did, I don't know what it is," Bart said, noticeably annoyed. "So how did Tyreekin start running the show if his father and some other guy are even more crazy than he is." Demetrius stopped smiling when Bart asked this question but, Bart had no idea why.

"They are both dead," Demetrius said. For a second Bart saw what looked like genuine sadness and remorse on his face. Had Demetrius done something in the past to the other two? "However, do not underestimate Tyreekin. He is a very powerful wielder that few can rival."

"Well he was certainly afraid of you," Bart added, remembering how Demetrius arrived and Tyreekin froze in fear. This made Demetrius chuckle a little.

"I don't presume he is afraid of me as much as he is cautious. Yet in any case, he is no one to fool with." Bart didn't feel very confident in fooling with anyone at this moment so Demetrius didn't have to tell him twice.

"I wish I knew what he was after," Bart said trying to think of anything that might have belonged to his father.

"As do I," Demetrius added. "When I arrived I tried to search his mind but like I've said Tyreekin is a very skilled wielder so his mind wielding is obviously advanced."

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